Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] given [noun sg] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Creation stories belonging to other ancient peoples have given currency to the view that Genesis contains merely another version , adapted to suit Hebrew beliefs .
2 These financial and moral concerns have given rise to a change in policy , which has led to the Child Support Act due to be implemented fully by April 1993 .
3 IN Washington 's superb bookshops , which stay open all night and serve coffee and bagels , tomes on the Cold War have given way to a new theme : the prospect of a trade war between the three great economic blocs — Japan , the US and the European Community .
4 Such observations have given rise to the notion of the ‘ invulnerable child ’ and are now leading to a radical re-appraisal of the results of risk research , with a shift of emphasis towards trying to understand the factors that enable some individuals to survive , or even profit from , their disposition to insanity .
5 In the later work the curving rhythms have given way to a system of verticals and horizontals , broken only by the forty-five degree diagonals of roof-tops and trees .
6 In particular , the traditional , if untheorized , distinction between serious literature and ‘ rubbish ’ has broken down ; as Franco Fortini said , the occasional slummings of the aristocratic writer of the past have given way to a situation in which we all live off the ‘ guano ’ which our society produces day by day ( Cadioli and Peresson 1984 : 85 ) .
7 As most average families are in the bottom 60 per cent. , does not that show that the Government have given money to the rich at the expense of ordinary families ?
8 Above all , the theorists would seek to show the social psychological dynamics by which the unique features of advanced capitalist society have given rise to the particularities of modern consciousness , or social representations .
9 Over the years , a few huge , widely reported pay-offs have given rise to the impression among more gullible members of the newspaper-reading public that six-figure golden handshakes are the norm for the departing business executive .
10 Various subsequent duplications have given rise to the so-called alpha , beta , gamma , delta , epsilon and zeta globins .
11 He is scathing in his attacks on those French politicians , journalists and writers who " have collaborated in word and deed with the policies of Hitler " , and who " at critical moments have given support to the guiding principles of these policies : antisemitism , anti-communism , anti-democracy , hegemonic mission of the Reich in Europe , national-socialist " pacifism " .
12 The so-called functional areas , such as marketing , production and personnel have given way to a more problem-centred approach , but within this there has been a notable decline in the significance accorded to industrial relations , and still more , to the field of personnel management .
13 Similarly , the prevention of further episodes of self-poisoning or self-injury continues to be a problem , and while retrospective investigations have given support to the policy of psychiatric intervention , prospective studies have failed to demonstrate any effect on repetition rates .
14 Nevertheless , this supposed trait and their tight , curly hair have given rise to the use of the name ‘ Poodle cats ’ as a popular term for them .
15 It would appear that duplications of type III repeats have given rise to the present group of type III repeats .
16 OFFICE of Fair Trading analysts have given approval to a proposed £52 million takeover bid for Britain 's largest harbour towage company , which employs 106 people at Felixstowe .
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