Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] to the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore although both proteins bind to the same site , the details of their structural interactions must differ .
2 In our society , such ritual celebrations of changes of status through ageing are now restricted to religious occasions like baptism , confirmation and burial , though ‘ coming-of-age ’ parties amount to the same thing .
3 The fact that a wide number of manufacturers work to the same pattern means that the caterer who is topping up need not return to the same source for the top-up .
4 It is very interesting the way two different groups react to the same situation .
5 I think all the classes go to the same place
6 How are we to decide whether populations living in different places belong to the same species ?
7 In other words , we can make two pointers reference the same variable , or we can test whether or not two pointers point to the same variable .
8 The claims which they make for the consequences of literacy belong to the same tradition .
9 Warnod noted in Comoedia that ‘ Cubism and Orphism belong to the same family .
10 On this basis , the unit and type readings of jacket in I like this jacket belong to the same lexeme , because the same contrast recurs with skirt , dress , coat , hat , etc .
11 As soon as this happens , male peeking rates plunge to the same levels as female peeking rates ( Figure 4 ) .
12 As Burton-Roberts suggests , criterion A ( the requirement that elements in apposition refer to the same entity ) would have to be extended if it is to apply to sentential and other non-nominal appositions .
13 It is difficult to believe these comments refer to the same Report as that evaluated in a balanced leader in the Independent ( 16 November 1988 ) under the headline ‘ A blow for literacy ’ .
14 When electrical currents flow they produce magnetic fields and so it is possible that these two therapies amount to the same thing .
15 The ability to identify and assess problems , and to understand their effects and limitations on patients can not be learned passively and by rote , if only because no two people respond to the same problem in exactly the same way .
16 In Yorkshire and East Anglia trippers return to the same places .
17 All these techniques lead to the same conclusion .
18 Max homo-oligomers bind to the same DNA sequence yet they do not detectably transactivate , and they can antagonize the function of Myc+Max by occlusion of DNA binding sites .
19 In an extremely well sorted sediment all particles approximate to the same size .
20 SunSelect has licenced Bitstream Technology 's font handling technology , allowing Wabi users access to the same TrueType fonts as Windows users .
21 SunSelect has licensed Bitstream Technology Inc 's font handling technology , enabling Wabi users access to the same TrueType fonts as Windows users .
22 The key point , to repeat it , is that a parasite whose genes aspire to the same destiny as the genes of its host shares all the interests of its host and will eventually cease to act parasitically .
23 This is not very far from the belief that pleasure and happiness amount to the same thing — a belief with deep flaws , as we saw in an earlier chapter .
24 So the players belong to the same club for the duration .
25 Quotations conform to the same pattern of assessment and explanation type .
26 All non-managerial personnel belong to the same union , but the privilege of membership is confined to regular workers .
27 According to this view , interbreeding is at the same time the criterion of whether two forms belong to the same species ( e.g. the dark and pale forms of the arctic skua interbreed freely , so they belong to the same species ) , and also the reason why organisms in nature do fall into discrete categories , with few intermediates .
28 No man has any reason to say that any two states belong to the same self unless he has a reason to believe them to be caused by the same body .
29 In the second place , even those people who have heard of the doctrine , and who accept it , do not , in far the greater number of cases , base their judgements that two states belong to the same self on a previous conviction that they are caused by the same body .
30 But Russell does not distinguish , as McTaggart does , between the Humean ‘ bundle ’ view and the view that mental states belong to the same self if they are causally related to the same body .
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