Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] he [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But most clever journalists see him coming a mile off .
2 If one quarter , in value , of the creditors request him to convene a meeting to appoint a new trustee , he must do so ( s 300(3) ) .
3 A ruler is bound by the good old law ; if he breaks it in any serious way , his subjects can rebel , and by formal process compel him to obey the law .
4 On the one hand , two fans from a papermill implore him to become a dissident figurehead : on the other hand , two state policmen want him to sign a document denying authorship of the original article .
5 In a wide-ranging foreign affairs debate he reaffirmed the Government 's ‘ total rejection of the Khmer Rouge ’ and announced humanitarian aid for Cambodia and a visit by British officials to Phnom Penh .
6 Frank is a regular at the norwegian U21 team and has also played some first team matches — i remember him giving the pass to Sorloth which gave us 2–1 against Holland at home .
7 Some rabbits say he controls the weather , because the wind , the damp and the dew are friends and instruments to rabbits against their enemies .
8 Some people say he has no head . ’
9 ‘ And some people say he has no body , ’ said Monsieur Firmin .
10 Murray and Kallicharran watch him play a ball from Julien .
11 An interim payment can only be ordered against a person who is insured in respect of the plaintiff 's claim , a public authority , or a person whose means enable him to make the payment .
12 ‘ Devilishly handsome ’ Des , gushes his press release , will set ‘ hearts reeling ’ when people see him put the kettle on in the second Nescafe ‘ Fresh Start ’ ad .
13 Rolle 's gifts as a writer enable him to convey the flavour of a variety of levels of religious awareness and all his English writings are worth exploring with this in mind .
14 But 35 per cent of all voters want him to do a deal with the Liberal Democrats , including a pledge for electoral reform .
15 For the variety of medicines now available to the doctor allow him to relieve the pain , distress , or even agony which could prompt a consideration of euthanasia .
16 ‘ Mr Brown 's remarks reveal he has no idea what he is talking about .
17 Now the decision was that the money promised by the dairy company could not be recovered by the Crown , for the reason that ( a ) any prerogative power to tax had been taken away by the Bill of Rights 1689 , and that ( b ) as for the statutory powers of DORA , the Regulations under which the food Controller was acting did not on their wording enable him to impose a tax .
18 Now on form Swindon should have walked this game against Brighton and that 's just what they were doing … strolling when the seagulls went flying into the lead after just six minutes … good goal for Mark Gall he took the chance well .
19 Only in Petrushka is he seen to be the principal player in the action and even then only the actor-dancer 's complete commitment to the whole and complete loyalty to Fokine 's design make him dominate the action .
20 It is only when all the options have been considered , all the ideas have been exchanged and the husband still considers his plan to be more appropriate that both he and his partner understand he has the responsibility to follow that plan prayerfully .
21 Taking all these things together , I think they give ground for the suspicion expressed by Mr. Henderson and other Labour ministers that Mr. MacDonald had deliberately planned the scheme of a National government ; which would at the same time enable him to retain the position of Prime Minister and to associate with colleagues with whom he was more in sympathy than he had ever been with his Labour colleagues …
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