Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [vb pp] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The American Canoe Association have set up an international pen pal scheme for children .
2 ‘ Nuclear Electric have carried out a similar study , which also showed Deferred Safestore as the best option .
3 J. Sainsbury , Britain 's biggest food retailer argues that discount shops have received only a temporary boost from the recession .
4 Spokesmen for the insurance companies seeking to justify this practice have wheeled out a few explanations which include ‘ the client understood that by settling for a poor return on death his ultimate retirement fund would be higher . ’
5 Michael Attenborough of Hodder commented : ‘ For any publisher , losing an author all of whose books have sold over a million copies in their UK editions — and I have no doubt that As the Crow Flies will join them soon — is very regrettable .
6 Even though the certificates have taken on a different appearance , their structure remains the same .
7 I think Derbyshire have done quite a big thing and had some publicity for theirs .
8 The committee have set up a working party to look into the proposal .
9 But John King has stuck to his principles and Rovers have strung together an impressive home record .
10 But already the Countryside Commission and the Nature Conservancy Council have drawn up a short list of natural sites suitable for World Heritage status .
11 THE organisers of Colchester 's annual fire-swim have sent out an urgent appeal for sponsorship cash still outstanding from last year 's event .
12 T'WIT to woo owls Eddie and Edwina have struck up a tender relationship .
13 Contrary to your impression matters have moved forward a considerable way in relation to the Church Road stop .
14 Kasparov and Short have set up a breakaway Professional Chess Association , and are considering bids for a title match , which would almost certainly be staged in London .
15 The Ford Pay claim coincides with negotiations at Vauxhall where leaders of the 9,000 manual workers have turned down a two-year offer giving 9.1 per cent in the first year and inflation plus £3 in the second .
16 Aids have claimed quite a few victims now
17 Graduates in German have taken up a wide range of jobs in recent years , in advertising , journalism , local government , tourism , banking , insurance , hospital administration , librarianship , the Civil Service , broadcasting , and in industry and commerce , in Britain and abroad , as well as in teaching .
18 In the shadow of that history there is all the more to appreciate about the way progressive movements in our time have turned things around , and begun positively to identify the difference of the other : ‘ the emphasis on discontinuity , the celebration of difference and heterogeneity , and the assertion of plurality as opposed to reductive unities — these ideas have animated almost an entire generation of literary and cultural critics ’ ( Mohanty , ‘ Us and Them ’ , 56 — 7 ) .
19 DARLINGTON health officials have drawn up a smart new logo as part of their plans to revamp the service 's image .
20 Stove specialists Morso have brought out an environmentally-friendly cast iron stove ( left ) .
21 Here the organisers have set up an international event where walkers , climbers and people everywhere can do something they enjoy doing and benefit others at the same time .
22 Of course , the historical analogy is not a completely valid one , for history only concerns the interactions within a single species during a few thousand years , in connection with which geological and climatological changes have played only a minor role ( as in the extinction of Carthage and of the Viking settlements in Greenland ) .
23 Occupational safety officials in South Africa have set up a public inquiry to investigate mercury poisoning of at least three employees of a British-owned toxic waste reprocessing plant at Cato Ridge in Natal .
24 With the express intent of reducing dependence on South Africa , nine states of southern Africa have set up an economic cooperation association , SADCC .
25 GARRYOWEN have pulled off a major coup with the appointment of former All Blacks captain Andy Leslie as coach for the next two seasons .
26 The Women 's Committee of the Carnegie Museum of Art have brought about an unusual act of collaboration between a museum and a commercial enterprise .
27 Undeniably the birth certificates of such as Jeff Probyn , Wade Dooley , Mike Teague and Peter Winterbottom have taken on a new significance since 4.30pm on Saturday .
28 Over the decades film editors have built up a classical ‘ syntax ’ of editing , which circumvents the lack of three dimensions by showing the same scene from various viewpoints , rather in the way an observer will watch a conversation by switching his attention from one speaker to the other .
29 First , a return to viewing the landscape in totality , rather than the sum of its component parts , and second , a much greater emphasis on the preferences of the general public , rather than professional people , even though some studies have shown quite a good correlation between the two ( Preece , 1980 ) .
30 But I think those days are now over and anybody who 's been in building societies , there 's now a feeling er that things have altered quite a long way .
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