Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [prep] [art] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore we would expect a forward contract and a financial futures contract with the same specifications to have the same price .
2 Uterine contractions continue for a few days after birth ( they are often particularly evident when the child begins to suck at the nipple ) .
3 The mothers talking in this book are mainly in their mid to late teens , with children whose ages range from a few months to four years .
4 Until the FRC and its cohorts have made substantial progress in imposing uniformity in accounting matters , the profession will continue to be criticised because companies account for the same things in different ways .
5 The same human motives appear in different cultural forms , and different motives appear in the same forms ( ibid. :
6 All applicants qualify under the same criteria .
7 Lydia Becker , a leading Victorian feminist , compared the position of middle class women unfavourably with that of working class women : ‘ What I most desire , is to see married women of the middle classes stand on the same terms of equality as prevail in the working classes and the highest aristocracy .
8 We 'd get £50 or £60 a night — which might not sound like a lot but that 's still what young bands get for the same gigs today .
9 The properties of individuals emerge from the many aspects of the complex whole .
10 Manufacturing techniques and finish are the same ; nuts and bolts come from the same vendors .
11 If both NL and LD , or if both EX and CS , are switched on ; only NL and EX respectively will show on the screen : both pairs of codes appear in the same places and NL and EX take priority if both are on .
12 Thirdly , material similarity , a relation referring to the degree to which two strings consist of the same characters .
13 Public examinations relate to the latter purposes ; they have mostly been set and marked by bodies such as the Examining Boards ( now grouped for GCSE examining ) .
14 This leads to a ‘ bandwagon ’ or ‘ follow-the-leader ’ effect in which many firms invest in the same markets at roughly the same time ( Knickerbocker , 1973 ; Graham , 1990 ) .
15 These results suggest that ( allowing for the differences in trading hours between markets ) , information from foreign stock markets is reflected in the Finnish index futures market within a few hours , but not in the underlying spot market .
16 We may tend to assume that other companies and cultures operate with the same sorts of motivations and criteria of success as we do , despite the fact that Japanese companies , for instance , turn in a very low rate of profit compared to those in the United Kingdom , and indeed do not need to do so because of the low interest charges and ready availability of capital in their country .
17 Both these objectives suffer from the same constraints — the uncompetitive nature of railfreight charges compared with road haulage , other than trainload freight , and the lack of private sidings in Britain on anything like the scale in France or Germany thus requiring intermodal handling and its resultant costs .
18 As soon as this happens , male peeking rates plunge to the same levels as female peeking rates ( Figure 4 ) .
19 In Yorkshire and East Anglia trippers return to the same places .
20 Kinsey 's verdict turned a potential Lions win into an All Blacks victory .
21 It is worth remembering that most accidents happen within a few miles of home .
22 We are then off into the players lounge for a few beers beforehand , then a few more after .
23 If the symptoms disappear in a few days no more medicine is needed , but if the symptoms persist dosing continues as before to complete the cure §281 .
24 The affluent clients of the smartest shops of Hong Kong , Paris , New York , London or Tokyo respond to the same qualities in ivory as those which attracted Palaeolithic mammoth hunters up to thirty thousand years ago and have continued to beguile all who have since had access to the material .
25 I find the best ideas come from when you 're not actually touching the guitar , otherwise your fingers fall into the same positions and you get stuck in ruts .
26 It is absurd , every time we introduce another element of our policy , for him to leap on to the populist pitch and then , as he no doubt will in a few minutes ' time , find some detailed reasons for being opposed to it .
27 The adults live for a few weeks , but the " juvenile " stage ( technically " nymphs " rather than larvae ) lasts for 13 years ( in some varieties ) or 17 years ( in other varieties ) .
28 We speak variant patois of Shakespeare and Norman Mailer , our institutions spring from the same instincts and traditions , and we share the same heritage of law and custom , philosophy and pragmatic Weltanschauung … starting from similar premises in the same intellectual tradition , we recognize common allusions , share many common prejudices , and can commune on a basis of confidence .
29 Germany and Switzerland suffer from the same problems .
30 He was my foursomes partner for a few years in international golf and there is no better way to assess another 's playing ability .
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