Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [pron] as [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The test of its validity is whether the subjects of the research accept it as a true account of their way of life .
2 BOY GEORGE has revealed that he and his lover see themselves as a married couple .
3 Barnes and Seldon deploy it as a classic example of Macmillanesque subtlety in handling colleagues .
4 Either they ca n't afford private health insurance or the American insurance companies regard them as a bad risk to be acceptable .
5 Independent soft-commission brokers regard it as an acceptable method of payment so long as they deal at the best price .
6 As well , Hi 's reflections on Carlotta establish her as a real woman as well as an ideal of love and beauty .
7 Venezuela stands in sharp contrast because the banks see it as a better bet than Mexico .
8 DEL Amitri see themselves as a laid-back , fashionably unfashionable rock group .
9 However , there can be little doubt that significant numbers of protestant loyalists see themselves as a distinct , almost ethnic group .
10 The real question is not whether the Book of Genesis has it right ( most modern theologians read it as a poetic account ) but whether evolution is correct .
11 Some writers use s/he as a non-sexist alternative .
12 Neighbours describe him as a reserved man who did n't mix much .
13 Neighbours describe him as a reserved man who did n't mix much .
14 Neighbours describe him as a reserved man who did n't mix much .
15 Neighbours describe him as a reserved man who did n't mix much .
16 People embrace him as an all-conquering hero , but they miss out the fact that a lot of native Americans were butchered along the way before old Whitey took over the country .
17 The distance estimate is important because astronomers use it as the first rung in the distance ladder they extend across the Universe .
18 However , it is because Leavis provided a purpose for English that most people regard him as the central figure .
19 Since some people regard them as the ultimate madness and evil they deem it to be their moral right to break laws , mostly in a non-violent manner , as a form of protest .
20 Older people still regard America as a refuge ; younger people regard it as a new home .
21 The Kurds regard themselves as a separate race of people from the rest of Iraq and wish to join with the Kurds of Turkey and make a new Kurdish state .
22 The Kurds see themselves as the forgotten people of modern times , although few have forgotten the name of the best-known Kurd of all — Salahuddin or Saladin .
23 I think other people see you as a second class citizen .
24 Ian Snodin 1.1 EVERTON ( Telegraph class him as a full back ? ! )
25 His friends hail him as the last great artist of the 20th century .
26 This happens most often when massive shoals of fry from that year 's spawning present themselves as an easy meal to a shoal of bream .
27 Does the Secretary of State dismiss him as a dismal Jimmy , or does he agree with me that Mr. Watkin knows what he is talking about ?
28 Far from regarding a tight budget as a restriction on their decorating , Tim and Patsy see it as a positive advantage .
29 But women clearly found ways of turning a restrictive garment into an alluring fashion : the surviving representations of the stola show it as a revealing slip , cut low between the breasts and often suspended from the slimmest of decorative straps .
30 The conventions , or unwritten rules , of the constitution were seen as of crucial significance since they secured " in a roundabout way what is called abroad the " sovereignty of the people " " thus making for a governmental system in which " the will of the electors shall by regular and constitutional means always in the end assert itself as the predominant influence in the country " .
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