Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [pron] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 East Germans expect it to scrap the security police wing while shifting its intelligence work to the interior ministry or a new agency .
2 Sovereign advise you to confirm the allowance applicable to your destination with our Reservations Department or your travel agent .
3 For instance , the Pacific islanders use them to decorate the prows of their canoes and Malaysian fishermen attach cowries to their nets .
4 How far , then , does our knowledge of how genes code for proteins enable us to explain the shapes of organisms ?
5 Many , but sadly not all , camcorders enable you to monitor the sound in the field via an earpiece which is plugged into a socket provided specially for this purpose .
6 ‘ I hear you 've gotten so good at it , your parents want you to photograph the christening … ’
7 Hurstdown 's Benedictine origins encourage us to emphasize the language of Catholicism at the expense of that of Orthodoxy .
8 Historical circumstances allow us to trace the change from archaic to classical most clearly in Athens , but other cities — Argos , Sicyon , Aegina — figure largely in the literary sources for this period , especially for their artists in bronze , and it is likely that these were prominent in the revolution .
9 Some models allow you to lock the blade at a particular angle to the saw body .
10 Gavin remind me to use the lamp , it 's in my
11 ‘ No politician likes leaving an election campaign in full swing , but Britain 's farmers and fishermen expect me to do the job I was appointed for and I am not prepared to take the risk of measures hostile to the UK getting through because I am not there , ’ said Mr Curry , who is defending a 17,000 Conservative majority .
12 A ruler is bound by the good old law ; if he breaks it in any serious way , his subjects can rebel , and by formal process compel him to obey the law .
13 Why does n't daddy take you to see the dickie birds ?
14 Such abstract typologies help us to understand the behaviour of councillors as a group but they do not necessarily apply to individual councillors who may exhibit characteristics drawn from several of the main types .
15 The Gift Of Song is being released on June 7 , the start of National Housing Week , and organisers expect it to top the compilation album charts .
16 Interest rate : Where spreadsheet manuals tell you to insert the interest rate into a formula , you should use the required rate of return per period .
17 Steve and his wife use it to keep the weight off and ensure their 3 young daughters get the balanced diet the experts say they need .
18 Six division lists and two detailed forecasts enable us to assess the consistency of voting patterns in the Lords in Anne 's reign .
19 These studies help us to understand the coupling between magnetosphere and ionosphere , and complex natural phenomena such as the aurora .
20 Models of welfare help us to comprehend the value systems underlying social policies .
21 Such problems lead us to question the purpose of a ‘ Transition to Adulthood ’ course .
22 The aim and shoot features allow you to forget the technicalities and concentrate on composing the picture .
23 An interim payment can only be ordered against a person who is insured in respect of the plaintiff 's claim , a public authority , or a person whose means enable him to make the payment .
24 Rolle 's gifts as a writer enable him to convey the flavour of a variety of levels of religious awareness and all his English writings are worth exploring with this in mind .
25 Opposition Members want us to forbid the use of that personal allowance , if only in part , for a particular purpose .
26 The Power Keyboard and Power Mouse programs allow you to alter the way your input devices work — perhaps you want Excel to re-calculate when you hold down and click the right mouse button .
27 The scripture readings and prayers used by the Church call us to make the presence of Christ a reality in our lives week by week .
28 Muddle , tension , anxiety , frustration do nothing to enhance the quality of your life .
29 I quote from the declared aims and policies of CND : ’ CND believes that British independent nuclear weapons and American nuclear bases and weapons in Britain do nothing to increase the security of Britain and should be unilaterally and unconditionally rejected and removed . ’
30 It is only after the Glorious Revolution — with the emergence of regular sessions of Parliament , when much of the ordinary business of government ( as opposed to just crisis situations ) came to be conducted along party lines , when Parliamentary divisions over a range of issues allow us to see the consistency of party allegiance amongst MPs , and when the parties came to develop fairly sophisticated organisational structures for the pursuit of their political goals — that it is possible to talk of a two-party system .
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