Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [verb] as [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mark , who works in the Barlaston canteen , was the lucky winner of a Wedgwood Running Club draw to race as the Company 's representative
2 A useful feature of such dynamic spectra is the isosbestic point , which is a point where the total absorbance does not change with time , although the absorbances at points on either side do change as the concentrations of reagents and products evolve .
3 Thus the only relevant facts he does not know are what period the judiciary have recommended as the tariff , and what further comments the judges have made which will affect the Secretary of State 's decision on the tariff .
4 Indeed , pre-existing opportunities have contracted as a result of the sale of council houses , which has proceeded at faster rates in more attractive suburban-type locations ( Forrest and Murie , 1983 ; Kleinman and Whitehead , 1987 ) , while the prices in the owner-occupied sector have risen so far that first-time buyers appear increasingly to be excluded from the housing market ( NBS , 1986 ) .
5 Animals have died as a consequence of coming into contact with the algae , and it is known to have caused serious illness , such as liver damage , in human beings , as well as producing skin reactions and allergies .
6 Lord Wilberforce has insisted that ‘ [ t ] here is no appeal on merits from management decisions to courts of law : nor will the courts of law assume to act as a kind of supervisory board over decisions within the powers of management honestly arrived at ’ .
7 The free-kick from Cruz that beat Italy was one , and the run and cross from Jorginho which led to Careca heading the winner in Rotterdam another , but in these games Brazil have impressed as a team without making you want to leap out of your seat as Pele once did .
8 Since the balance of payments has become a structural problem because of the prolonged period of under-investment , imports have grown as a share of UK domestic spending , making the growth of inflation resulting from devaluation more rapid .
9 But with the push towards fostering , adoption , and family care , the problems facing carers in the residential sector have increased as the majority of residents are older with varying degrees of behaviour and emotional problems , an issue the government acknowledges .
10 David Newton , head of gilts trading at Barclays de Zoete Wedd , said : ‘ The longer-dated gilts in this sector have suffered as a result of the government 's higher-than-expected borrowing requirement .
11 The reason for the fall in later years is that costs tend to increase as the product ages — apart from production costs there may be increased costs in selling against more up-to-date competition and sales tend to decrease .
12 The reason for the fall in later years is that costs tend to increase as the product ages — apart from production costs there may be increased costs in selling against more up-to-date competition — ; and sales tend to decrease .
13 Publication of research findings as single , small steps leads to individual ‘ knowledge claims ’ , by publication , some of which are incorporated into accepted knowledge ( Gilbert ) , but the largest theoretical advances seem to occur as the result of the application of several small steps , possibly involving different sub-disciplines in the research process .
14 However , it can be assumed that the political difficulties experienced within China over recent years continue to act as a barrier to any possible growth .
15 In this regard it can be seen that in order for the catechesis to work effectively the various members of the group have to work as a team — the L.C. is responsible for presenting the symbol well ; having a good story that echoes the goal clearly ; and providing the opportunity for EACH person to share their story .
16 On the general principle , I believe that the vast majority of my hon. Friends are strongly in favour of the benefits that the United Kingdom economy and British business have received as a result of our membership of the ERM .
17 In fact , Sparcbook sales were so good , Woan said , that OEM revenues have fallen as a percentage of group total to 37% in 1993 from 48% in 1992 .
18 In fact , Sparcbook sales were so good , Woan said , that OEM revenues have fallen as a percentage of group total to 37% in 1993 from 48% in 1992 .
19 Capital costs have risen as a result of increasing use of bought deals , and the need to set up research and secondary market trading operations ( to satisfy institutional investors ' liquidity requirements and to gain an investor base to complement primary activities ) , although capital requirements as such do not prevent a market being contestable .
20 All subsequent Conventions have required as a condition of their applicability not only internationality of the transaction but also a connection with a Contracting State .
21 The third is partly ruined , with the cattle end used as a barn , while at the upper , living end a substantial fireplace , stack and bread oven remain .
22 Crisis intervention teams have developed as a part of statutory services in a number of areas in Britain .
23 This sub-sector is an increasingly competitive one which all of the major firms have identified as a growth area .
24 In the past , religious beliefs have served as a presupposition of the scientific enterprise insofar as they have underwritten that uniformity .
25 As social scientists , they can note only that the convert 's actions have changed as a result of the belief that God has intervened in his life .
26 However , shareholders continue to suffer as the group halved its total dividend for the second year in a row .
27 Managers and GPs continue to act as the patient 's agent , and the rationers of health care .
28 Thus rapidly , and with support on all sides , did Co-operation become accepted as a means of doing business , and at much the same time as did the joint stock company in essentially its modern form .
29 The poem , which many sports people have adopted as a sort of anthem , also advises on ‘ keeping one 's head while all around are losing theirs ’ , of not giving way to hate or dealing in lies .
30 Beyond Blakeney , the combination of waters from the Blackpool and Soudley Brooks become known as the Bideford Brook , wending its way through the meadows , eventually emptying into the Severn at Brims Pill .
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