Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] in with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm grateful to you for your readiness to fall in with the proposals made , and er , I have enjoyed the opportunity to chair this A G M. The meeting is now concluded .
2 Well , after the er publishers had approached me and , and asked me if I would be interested in doing this book er the next thing to do was actually get hold of all the Ordinance Survey maps for Oxfordshire , er you know , quite a big county , so er once we 'd done that er the next thing to do was to actually just work out exactly where we wanted the walks to be , and they 've obviously , for commercial reasons they 've got to be fairly evenly spread throughout the county , but you can tell quite quickly and quite easily by looking at an Ordinance Survey map , you know , where all the paths are , they 're all clearly marked , er public footpaths , public bridleways , that sort of thing , and the next step was to actually create from the maps , circular walks to fit in with the requirement .
3 The cast-iron bath continues the Victorian theme and has been painted pink on the outside to fit in with the rest of the decor .
4 This refusal to fit in with the system continued when he returned to London , having jumped ship after a series of incidents — chopping down the house of someone 's aunt ; being technical supervisor on a failed bank robbery — had made him somewhat too conspicuous to the New Zealand authorities .
5 The organizers of the exhibition wanted a Boston Tacker to stand in the foyer to tie in with the theme of the seventy fifth anniversary of the B U locating however , locating the complete model has proved something of a headache like the Model T Ford , the Boston Tacker was always very common but is now something of a rarity and the branch had finally settled for head to be borrowed from C and J Clarke , shoe machi , museum in Street , Somerset .
6 Living in Little Rock with Miss Little Rock by Jack Butler will come out as a paperback original from Abacus in November to tie in with the anniversary of the US election — Bill Clinton has ‘ an offstage part ’ .
7 The other principle which determines the character of the drawing is its deliberate adaptation to fit in with the character of the surrounding ornament .
8 Hawke , whose visit was scheduled to take place in October to link in with the Commonwealth heads of government meeting in Harare , expressed concern over the slow pace of reform .
9 The audience toe-tapped along with the lively rhythms and welcomed the chance to join in with the cha cha cha number .
10 In a half-way motion the councillors decided to try to persuade tenants to join in with the ban … even though they wo n't be compelled to do it .
11 Did you yourself take part in the operation to go in with the guns ?
12 It is likely that Unit will want to acquire more engineering interests to tie in with the Surrey business .
13 The furniture was clearly old , and had been chosen with some care to fit in with the atmosphere of the hall .
14 Walker is ready to make the effort to fit in with the locals .
15 This commitment will encourage others to fall in with the change .
16 ‘ From 1976 to 1986 I worked part-time in Family Planning Services to fit in with the demands of three children ’ , she writes .
17 Gowie is given every opportunity by his teacher and his classmates to join in with the others and make a useful contribution to the school ; but every gesture of friendship he rejects .
18 Ultimately just another conquest to lump in with the rest , so your score-sheet could remain unblemished by failure . ’
19 The minaret added to the present mosque is of brick and of a design to fit in with the rest of the church .
20 About 50 fans poured onto the pitch to join in with the players .
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