Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] on [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although the policy review will be endorsed by the conference , giving Neil Kinnock the freedom to go on to the offensive against the Conservatives in the run-up to the next general election , there are a number of areas of potential conflict .
2 Bishop Harris , who has welcomed me so warmly , has expressed his willingness to continue on until the end of the year whilst I complete my own duties in Westminster diocese .
3 Well erm David said that he did n't think the strike would have gone on or they would n't have the heart to go on without the women ?
4 The contract required the buyer to pass on to the seller all the buyer 's rights under the sub-sales contracts .
5 She turned them inside out , returned them to Dot to put on with the insides now on the outside .
6 Some financial planners have worked out another loophole , telling their clients to hang on to the part of their income paid in company shares , because taxes on capital gains are unlikely to rise under President Clinton and may even fall .
7 Christie , a private in the Ulster Defence Regiment , nearly decapitated her victim in the attack — a desperate bid to hang on to the affections of dashing Royal Signals officer Captain Duncan McAllister .
8 GRAHAM Gooch will have plenty of shoulders to lean on during the tour of India .
9 Miltiades ' last operation ( in 489 ) against the island of Paros , in the Cyclades , can be seen as an attempt to move on to the offensive against Persia after the defensive stand at Marathon .
10 Hugo was smoking a thin cigarette through a long cloisonné holder which he now began to wave about , causing highly aromatic ash to fall on to the sleeve of his green velvet jacket .
11 Mr Tim Devlin 's surprise victory for the Conservatives in Stockton South to hold on to the seat he won narrowly in 1987 from the prominent SDP man ( now Sir ) Ian Wrigglesworth was a classic example of the collapse of the centre vote working against Labour .
12 It 's okay for Australians to bang on about the risks they get a summer .
13 No need to go on about the band in this preamble .
14 This phenomenon , which we call ‘ cognitive trial-and-error ’ , requires a deductive process to go on inside the mind of the animal without its actually trying different behaviours .
15 You know people who 's coming in from o the outside to come on to the flats , they 're the people at risk .
16 ‘ He always carried a spare pair of socks and a pair of more comfortable slippers to put on in the office . ’
17 Think about it , Aurora — decide whether your desire to hang on to the club really is for his sake — or yours . ’
18 Indeed there is now an incentive to hold on to the assets because if such assets are retained until death they receive a capital gains tax-free uplift ( TCGA 1992 , s62(1) ) .
19 It is important to set a figure for these advance payments which is realistic for the band to live on throughout the period of the contract .
20 They rightly sensed that there was a mass audience waiting to be entertained and so they were given every incentive to hang on to the goose that was laying the golden eggs .
21 Doer — urging the team to get on with the task in hand .
22 It was as though they were marching up great soaring bridges to get on to the screen , where they would enter into the films we had come to see .
23 Gesturing with their blasters , the androids encouraged the Doctor , Bernice , Francis and Elaine to step on to the platform beside the TARDIS .
24 Have you got a spare T'shirt to put on at the end if it gets cold ?
25 Three men were needed to do the actual fitting of the tyre : two holding the tyre after they had taken it out of the oven , and one with a bucket of water to pour on to the felloes to stop them from taking fire as the tyre was clamped on .
26 Teachers have constantly to buttonhole each other as they pass in the staffroom and tack extra things to do on to the bottom of each other 's already overlong agendas .
27 Is there a handy dustbin or a down-spout that will assist the thief to climb on to the roof ?
28 You mugs — IM ) we make a gap in the crowd , allowing the nasty person to dive on to the floor .
29 I took that to be a quiet word of warning and an instruction to get on with the game .
30 As Hassan 's comment half-implies , it may in some areas be time for criticism to move on from the task of defining postmodernism in relation to its antecedents .
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