Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] she [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It had been their intention to send her to a finishing school in France or Germany , but she had begged so hard to be allowed to stay where she was , with Breeze and Gay .
2 He made no attempt to present her to the other man , however , apparently so deep in thought that he seemed to have forgotten her very existence .
3 I intended at first only to teach her needlework to qualify her for a genteel position , for you see she has a delicacy in her person that makes it a pity ever to put her to hard work , but she masters everything so fast that now I am desirous to have to divert and entertain me in my thoughtful hours .
4 His next letter offered her marriage to save her from the dreadful future of stripping off that she would be subjected to otherwise .
5 He turned from the window to regard her with a cold stare .
6 ‘ I 've no doubt he 'll ask Dr Curtis to admit her to a cardiac ward . ’
7 She refused the cold remains of the fish and chips , so he took the whole package out to the dustbin at the front of the house ( no need to worry her about the Sweet murder if she did n't know — and it appeared she did n't ) .
8 The words in fact are intended to reflect her night-time , miserable feelings but they only reflect Masefield 's failure to render her as a human being :
9 It would take at least another seven or eight years to turn her into a recognizable human being .
10 He wondered how he had found sufficient courage to ask her to the Edwardian Ball , and then remembered that it was her air of calm dignity which had made him anxious to take her to impress his parents .
11 Annabel tried to persuade Stephen to join her on a bright-blue canvas swing seat with Charlie .
12 He annoyed her in many ways — mostly by his incurable facetiousness , which went down very badly with her girl friends , and by his desire to undress her at every possible opportunity .
13 By then she felt that she had seen enough paintings , churches , marble floors and medieval palaces to last her for a long time .
14 Climbing on to her back , he used the halter shank to whip her into a lumbering unaccustomed trot , as he made his way back to the stable-yard .
15 She 'd firmly resisted her mother 's oft-repeated efforts to tempt her with the power-packed vegetable which she 'd seen the singing sailor-man so often greedily guzzle straight from the can .
16 Shortly after moving into The Kilns , Minto had engaged a gardener to help her with the eight acres of ground .
17 By now Kelly needed extensive physiotheraphy several times a day to rid her of the excess mucus that clogged her lungs .
18 THE actress Helena Bonham Carter is asking a court to protect her from an obsessive fan who is making her life a misery .
19 She orders Victor to accompany her to the head teacher 's office .
20 I felt the miserable decline of my happiness as I imagined the girl 's innocence and the futility of her mother 's efforts to save her from a cruel death .
21 Amaranth descended alone at twelve-thirty , pink and pampered , and called a cab to take her to the Black Chapati in Circus Parade .
22 It was , as Steve Hammond said , all there , but there was nothing , she realised , in all those pages to tell her of the particular hell this couple must have been through .
23 Quite apart from her reluctance to give her family any more ammunition to treat her like a witless child , Guy Sterne 's arrogant interference had merely burdened Charles and her father with yet another worry to add to their depressing catalogue of troubles .
24 In the second case , that where the wife agrees to become surety at the instance of her husband though she does not understand the effect of the document or the nature of the transaction , her failure to do so may be the result of the husband 's actually misleading her , but in any case it could hardly ever occur without some impropriety on his part even if that impropriety consisted only in his neglect to inform her of the exact nature of that to which she is willing blindly , ignorantly or mistakenly to assent .
25 Enya claims to be stubborn , sulky and contrary where her composition is concerned , but she knew from unfortunate personal experience the natural anarchy and entropy of bands and very rationally allowed Nicky and Roma 's professional advice to guide her in the right direction .
26 Robbie could scarcely believe this was the same man who was at such pains to keep her at a safe distance , until she reflected that in Fen 's eyes Miss Taylor would present no threat to his reserve .
27 Italian pop star Loredana Berte told a judge she needs the massive handouts to keep her in the luxurious style she enjoyed when they were together .
28 He chortled as Herr Nordern shuddered , and laughed again as the waitress , a stout fifty year old , brought the beer and refused his offer to take her for a sensuous holiday in Siberia .
29 Thus it is that the Tamar , beautiful as the nymph whose name she bears , winds her way from the rugged north coast between the hills , to be joined by the Tavy , flowing from Dartmoor to join her for the last few miles to the sea , while the luckless Torridge flows ever northward in vain pursuit of Tamara 's beauty .
30 None the less , the supporters of the Duke of Northumberland lost no opportunity to represent her as a staunch papist , and attempted to make use of anti-papal fears to win support for their rival candidate for the throne , Jane Grey .
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