Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [adv prt] from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In a television address , he called on deputies to pull back from the brink .
2 In a television address , he called on deputies to pull back from the brink .
3 Practice varies , and it is good practice to find out from the beginning in order to avoid unpleasant surprises at a later date .
4 Nurse Rose had to exercise all her powers of concentration to sort out from the mumblings and digressions exactly what Mrs. Fanshawe wanted to say .
5 And er I 'd got a key to get in from the works into the office once I was inside , but that was access to the works you know and er I er I en I enjoyed it more or less and I must say the firm , to some extent , looked up to me and I 'd only got to have a damned machine stop , where the girls was working on this machine , and the bobbin shop and all that sort of thing , and I was able to go look er , down and say look here I want this .
6 In towns , give way to buses indicating , an intention to move out from the bus stops , if you can do so safely .
7 Peter then approaches the blackboard on which he writes the date , 5 November : this is the cue for the jazz to take over from the calypso ( in more strident tones than before ) as an indication of the disturbing events which follow .
8 The time taken by the sound of each click to bounce back from the rock to the bird , enables the swiftlet to judge just how far away it is from the rock wall ahead .
9 Pigeon-toed beneath her crinoline , Louisa clapped his performance , and the sound of her clapping sped across the ice to echo back from the trees .
10 Mr Whittington proved that the LCC had got themselves a very good orator to transfer back from the EMS when war was over .
11 One logical fix to this geographical mis-match is for inner-city blacks to commute out from the ghettos to the suburbs .
12 PETER RAWLINS , a former partner with accountants Arthur Andersen , has emerged as the International Stock Exchange 's next chief executive following the decision of Jeffrey Knight to stand down from the post , writes John Moore .
13 It always feels like an admission of failure to come back from the Continent and have nothing to show for it .
14 A body to take over from the Wagner Development Group .
15 At the Church Meeting on the 9th , we appointed Jim Brooks as our new church secretary in succession to Malcolm Brown who had intimated in June his desire to step down from the post .
16 The rocks or stones at the pool boundary retain the bog-garden soil yet allow water to percolate through from the pool .
17 CUSTOM STANDARDS Manson ‘ Classic S ’ This handmade blend of the traditional and the modern aims to stand out from the crowd with its high-class simplicity and the best and latest in hardware …
18 It did show excellent character to bounce back from the start … one plus point from the first half .
19 McAllister had five birdies in the space of seven inward holes to turn back from the brink of disaster .
20 As Hassan 's comment half-implies , it may in some areas be time for criticism to move on from the task of defining postmodernism in relation to its antecedents .
21 It is this incredible flexibility that allows us to juggle page layouts in just a few minutes and produce a fresh piece of artwork each time rather than wait hours , even days , for the re-worked page to come back from the artist 's studio .
22 He had also appointed professional diplomats to take over from the members of the Soviet Political Consultative Council delegated to negotiate with the Baltic states on issues arising from their independence from the Soviet Union [ see p. 38541 ] .
23 I I 've got a bill to come in from the electrician for his call-out charge he diagnosed that it 's was not an electrical fault and then thought it was an electrical fault by the noise , it was making a fizzing noise but he does n't th he said it 's , it 's the pump the pump is on the way out it needs replacing house is built in nineteen eighty five !
24 In such cases of disagreement between professionally and theoretically interested parties , it sometimes proves a useful corrective to step back from the problem and to enquire into ‘ folk ’ conceptions regarding the relevant issues .
25 It had taken them ages to get back from the Lock and now the evening was drawing in .
26 On being told that the men still unaccounted for could not be contacted by the trapped men , the Manager asked for a volunteer to go down from the surface and search inwards from the main shaft .
27 That day , as we waited for the doctor to come back from the mountains , was one of deep anxiety for the whole family .
28 Error comes in if one over-interprets the relevance of these conclusions , by forgetting the artificial constraints of the experiment and instead assuming that in real life , outside the laboratory so to say , such changes involving only a single variable can actually take place ; that it is a simple matter to extrapolate back from the artificiality of laboratory isolation to the complex , rich interconnectedness of the real world .
29 We were almost into November now and I did n't need to be an expert navigator to work out from the charts , and the Admiralty Pilot lying open on the chart table , that to be into the south of the Weddell Sea in time to take maximum advantage of the summer loosening of the pack we would need to be away not later than end-November .
30 This crying , this wailing , this mass of thick air gathered from thousand upon thousand square miles of nothingness , scooped up , pushed and banked against every object which has the temerity to stand up from the surface of the earth ; this was weird , oppressive , invasive .
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