Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [pos pn] [noun sg] at the " in BNC.

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1 It did n't take long for Bangor to increase their lead at the start of the second half , McCartney rifling a shot home after 48 minutes following an excellent build up involving McCallan and Surgeon .
2 Arguments of this kind normally started from the assumption that the powers of Europe were still in a ‘ state of nature ’ with respect to each other and that each of them was engaged , consciously or not , in a ceaseless struggle to increase its influence at the expense of its neighbours .
3 But he said it loud enough for the whole restaurant to be convulsed and Ken to enjoy his audience at the same time .
4 In 1989 , Kennard was invited by the United Nations to exhibit his work at the Palais des Nations in Geneva as part of the United Nations Disarmament Week , and as a follow-up to this event , the Imperial War Museum has also mounted a show .
5 It is worth noting that , though Professor Hoskins points to John Clare as almost the only rural poet to express his dislike at the destruction of his native heaths , William Barnes wrote in a very similar vein of Dorset .
6 With Gorbachev consistently refusing this summons , despite a 100-rouble fine , the Court had then apparently imposed an effective ban on his travelling abroad , by requesting the Foreign and Security Ministries to ensure his appearance at the hearing .
7 Making no attempt to disguise his anger at the Ulster decision John Hunter added : ‘ The fact that it was a blanket no , and that it was n't even person to person , made it all the more galling . ’
8 All the techniques in taekwondo are flexible and allow the practitioner to change his mind at the last minute as to which block or punch will provide him with the best defence or counter-attack .
9 A prototype Il-103 is under construction at Ilyushin 's Moscow factory and is expected to fly in mid-1993 , in time for the aircraft to make its debut at the Business & Light Aviation Exhibition at North Weald next September .
10 … wanted Karen to leave her job at the factory ?
11 Although in prose — as one says , perhaps too much influenced by the conventions of the comedies — this is one of the most serious scenes in the play ( 91–229 ) , and when the soldiers have left the King ascends to verse for what is to me the most deeply felt speech of all : In his own persona the King speaks verse , entering on to a prose-scene between Fluellen and Gower to express his anger at the French murder of the luggage-minders , and continuing in verse to Fluellen ( IV.vii.55–118 ) .
12 For many purposes it is convenient for biologists to focus their attention at the level of the vehicle .
13 Clough has deserved the plaudits for sticking to his football principles but , as he knows , it takes courage to play your football at the top of the League too .
14 Last week , the Montgomery County ( Maryland ) chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People ( NAACP ) , tired of waiting for the police to solve the case and for NIH to comment on the report , held a press conference to express its outrage at the events of the past seven months and to demand that the lives of those affected ‘ be made whole ’ .
15 The appointment ended three weeks of political uncertainty during which Sheikh Hasina Wajed , leader of the second-largest party , the Awami League , challenged Begum Zia to demonstrate her majority at the first session of the newly elected Jatiya Sangsad ( National Assembly ) , scheduled for April 5 .
16 A failure to pay your salary at the agreed time , for example , might not in itself amount to constructive dismissal , although if the delay were prolonged or repeated subsequently , the position could be different .
17 Tommy broke away from the group to join his friend at the bar .
18 Weathering is therefore an appropriate place to begin our look at the operation and effects of exogenic geomorphic processes .
19 A chance to try your hand at the ancient art of Drystone Walling .
20 Macdonald tried unsuccessfully to find a magistrate to receive his oath at the last minute , then sent his papers to Edinburgh , where Secretary of State and Master of Stair Sir John Dalrymple suppressed them .
21 Andrea Whitcombe led almost from start to finish to retain her title at the Women 's National Cross-Country Championships at Birkenhead .
22 Eleanor sent Richard and Geoffrey to join their brother at the French King 's court while she herself summoned the Poitevins to arms .
23 THE WELSH used to be a hindrance rather than a help to the All Blacks but , by giving Grant Fox permission to practise his goalkicking at the Arms Park prior to tomorrow 's game with Cardiff , they might be contributing to their own downfall .
24 North Wales MP John Marek is to meet Home Office minister Lord Ferrers next week to express his concern at the length of time the North Wales child abuse inquiry is taking and the fact that no outside police force is overseeing it .
25 The left used to have two ways to amplify its voice at the party conference .
26 The by-election provided a timely opportunity for even the least politically-minded people to express their disgust at the Munich settlement .
27 Brian had raced from Devon to Heathrow by helicopter , planning to take a Concorde flight to join his family at the hospital .
28 There was an overflow attendance of about 1,000 people at Trinity College in response to a plea from a Dublin housewife , Susan McHugh , for people to show their disgust at the murder of Warrington toddler , Johnathan Ball .
29 Lacking both a solid social base and the support of a unified party in a fragmented Congress , Fujimori forged close ties with the army to sustain his administration at the expense of increasingly alienating the other armed services and the national military police force .
30 Changed , he returned into the lounge to find her standing at the window again , as if watching for the assassin 's return .
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