Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [adv] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 " They asked if they might come to see the palais , but they had of course to remain outside in the gardens with their nurse where they can do no damage . "
2 It is a time when there are many fatalities on the roads as the inexperienced young try to dash across in the face of oncoming traffic .
3 When the British Academy gives scholarships for methodological research and applications as well as for historical inquiries of a more familiar kind , when universities begin to make appointments in humanities computing or , dare I say it , even in history and computing , then , it seems to me , we will be in a better position to bemoan our inability to secure more in the way of government and private funding .
4 Thereafter , there will be a brief entertainment – coffee – and an opportunity to meet together in the Undercroft .
5 On the British Army 's most wanted list for the last five years and you still have the nerve to sit here in the middle of Belfast . ’
6 Furthermore , if the originating process is served late , the court may allow the hearing or pre-trial review to proceed even in the defendant 's absence , or it may adjourn the hearing ( Ord 7 , r 16 ) .
7 But so had Danny Maher , who now had the ride on Bachelor 's Button , and who was of the opinion that Pretty Polly did not have sufficient reserves to last home in the Gold Cup .
8 Here he is , h h he has the very unpleasant duty of explaining and justifying the drafting of this measure a a and I do hope it would be , it would be really rather an unexpected realisation of an ambition , but nevertheless one hopes eternal if my Noble Friend were to get up and say that as a result these few remarks that I have been tempted to make that some kind of effort is going to be made to tidy up as th th the processes whereby er such stuff appears , is allowed to appear on the pages of the Statute Book er er I do recall that when the Charities Bill was going through several committees , my Noble Friend was n't who who was d d dealing with the Bill in , on behalf of the Government was exceedingly helpful and I hope that he will show the same degree of goodwill today er and , and , and er h if he 's very clear and devote is very considerable energies to persuading those professional obs obfuscators who are responsible for this kind of garbage to do better in the future .
9 While in the long term the mother may well be able to obtain employment in Australia , as she has done in the past , understandably it would not be her wish or intention to do so in the short-term .
10 They would have been finished by noon , and the clothes would have been draped over rocks and bushes to bleach overnight in the moonlight .
11 MP and JF to get together in the meantime , to see if any short-term improvements are possible .
12 Blades are in 6mm hex-section alloy steel , sliding past an internal spring ring holder to snuggle deep in the handles .
13 Some were established to serve specific regional or industry needs whilst others enabled small domestically-orientated banks in various countries to participate collectively in the euro-currency markets .
14 Concerning basic rationales for aid , they stressed the need to review the definition of ODA and to adjust further the orientation of aid flows , notably " to assist developing countries to participate constructively in the solution of common global problems " .
15 That letter should cover as much as possible because it is a useful source of reference to progress later in the case .
16 that requires openness on the part of the majority , and , on the part of the ethnic minorities themselves , a determination to participate fully in the life of the wider community .
17 The Declaration 's central point was a resolution instructing the OAS permanent council to convene immediately in the event of any " abrupt or irregular interruption of the democratic , political and institutional process , or of the legitimate exercise of power by a democratically elected government " in any member country .
18 In conclusion , the argument that the duty of directors to act only in the interests of the shareholders operates to ensure that the will of the shareholders is implemented by the management of the company is fundamentally flawed because the directors have considerable discretion in defining exactly what the interests of the shareholders are .
19 Another model allows for partisan effects to occur even in the presence of rational expectations .
20 Designed to enable the user to function effectively in the situations which occur most frequently in business .
21 On Feb. 25 the South Korean government announced that the authorization granted to the Daewoo conglomerate to become the first South Korean group to invest directly in the North had been suspended .
22 Most language learners have a common aim to communicate intelligibly in the language of their choice .
23 Accordingly , he considers that individuals have no procedural rights to participate in what are plainly policy decisions , beyond their right to participate periodically in the election of governments — unless , of course , such rights are specifically conferred on them by some statute .
24 The chief inspector of nuclear installations , Ron Anthony , now admits that he expected the inquiry to open later in the licensing procedure — which is independent of the inquiry 's deliberations .
25 She would probably have the right to do so in the court in Germany which would have jurisdiction in relation to the place where the events happened , assuming that German law recognises the ground of action contemplated .
26 With one of the slenderest majorities to defend anywhere in the country , Mr Forsyth could be forgiven if he looked worried .
27 But do allow the cake to cool completely in the tin , covered with a tea towel to keep it moist , then wrap it in foil and keep it tightly wrapped once cut .
28 Ambulance service seeks trust status The ambulance service in county Durham is seeking NHS trust status the third northern health organisation to do so in the space of a single week .
29 Even if at the time of sale the purchaser does not intend such rationalisation , it will not wish to fetter its discretion to do so in the future and to be able to adapt the business as it wishes to changing market circumstances .
30 He wanted all writers to live obscurely in the provinces , ignore the natural affections of the heart , disdain reputation , and spend solitary , back-breaking hours reading obscure texts by the light of a tiring candle .
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