Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [noun pl] at a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , in the face of market expectations , the Bank took advantage of a money market shortage on 5 March to buy bills at a rate of discount of 11.75 per cent , 0.5 per cent higher than the previous day 's dealings and about 1 per cent above what markets were anticipating .
2 In December 1989 the then Foreign Minister , Oskar Fischer , expressed his government 's desire to establish relations at a meeting with the chair of the Berlin Jewish community .
3 Social workers visited Celia and Danny to arrange sessions at a family centre , but the couple announced they were going to spend two weeks in Hackney with Danny 's mother .
4 To take child care for instance , we can suddenly get two or three ah admissions to secure units at a cost of two thousand pounds a week and that 's er you know a hundred thousand a year per child so we can really there are other votes that can , can absorb that sort of money .
5 Data General Corp is finding the transition to open systems at a time of recession extremely painful with a second quarter loss of $55m after a $48m charge for another 1,000 lay-offs : turnover was down 14% at $274m , in part because the sale of the Japanese subsidiary cut volume by $19m ; the company blamed the disappointing results on competitive pricing pressures , which have cut profits , as well as the weak worldwide economy ; the company says it continues to be very cautious about the remainder of 1992 ; AViiON sales continue to grow , but ‘ we are not satisfied with overall revenues , ’ the company declared Electronic Data Systems Corp says its graphical design system now supports Hewlett-Packard 's series 700 workstations : first deliveries are scheduled for May .
6 It benefited a manufacturing country to keep provisions at a level which , while within reach of the poor , would still require them to make a full labour commitment .
7 You need to keep your options open in order to change courses at a moment 's notice .
8 The new ore-sorter has over 1000 photoelectric cells to scan rocks at a rate of 500 per second .
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