Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [noun pl] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 He was so shocked by the case of his businessman brother who was forced into bankruptcy by the Inland Revenue in 1983 , that he founded the Association of Bankrupts to help others in the same position .
2 Indeed , the Education & Training Directorate believes that the time has come to review the continuation of the policy of requiring all candidates to take papers in the same subjects .
3 use the handle of the club hammer to bring blocks to the same height
4 In later proceedings for the continuation of the Mareva injunction , it was held to be regular and proper practice for a plaintiff to commence proceedings on the same cause of action in several jurisdictions in order to obtain Mareva or corresponding relief .
5 As the government looks for cuts , it will find plenty of scope to make improvements at the same time .
6 there is now provision for a student to undertake modules at the same , as well as different levels .
7 We decided to use the same system that we used for hospitals , making referrals to team leaders in the same way that we do to consultants .
8 Two weeks ago I wrote to the Archbishop of Canterbury suggesting that it was now time for the Church Militant to denounce antibiotics in the same uncompromising terms once used against usury , but I suspect my advice ( admittedly unsolicited ) will go the same way as the seed of Onan .
9 It is rare for an overseas couple to find jobs in the same area — most travel to obtain a job wherever offered .
10 This provides you with the opportunity to make objections in the same way as with any other listed building and to put forward alternative solutions .
11 Under section 14 the police are given a power to impose conditions on the same grounds as in the case of marches ( see : Police v. Brickley , States , Kitson & Kitson ( Mag.Ct 1987 ) , where demonstrators were convicted for ignoring a condition that they should not stand immediately outside the South African Embassy ) .
12 Usually , he says , the children use their intuitive knowledge of the language to form sentences with the same structure .
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