Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [prep] them [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was a delight to travel on them through exciting scenery that would otherwise have been out of reach .
2 Erm , Chair , I think when we come to the capital programme you will be proposing that the P A G advise you and the Director in terms of producing a package which meets those guidelines , erm , and given the opportunity to look at them in some detail .
3 ‘ I 'm thrilled that the board have shown faith in me by giving me the chance to work with them for another 12 months .
4 It was impossible for the garrison to fire upon them for some time without risk of injuring their neighbours along with their enemies .
5 Schools entering into an entrepreneurial spirit should not , for example , sell school records to promoters of consumer goods or allow journalists or public relations consultants to leaf through them for good stories .
6 The defence authorities have had difficulties in finding researchers to cooperate with them in some fields .
7 ‘ So you would , for instance , have lunch with people in government departments to talk to them about particular policies . ’
8 The Protection of Wrecks Act 1973 allows wrecks to be designated , making it an offence to interfere with them in any way without the authority of a licence granted by the Secretary of State for Scotland .
9 It 's easy when you become attached to birds to think of them in human terms , particularly if you give them a human name .
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