Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [noun sg] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He failed in three attempts to secure election to the Trades Union Congress 's parliamentary committee , but he represented the vellum binders at the foundation conference of the labour representation committee in February 1900 , and was elected to its executive .
2 ‘ As chief executive of a large local authority , I employ solicitors to provide advice to the departments on many matters including child care , planning law , and negotiating with building contractors .
3 Against this , it was argued that government bodies which use public money to provide information to the public are under a special public law obligation to ensure that the information is accurate ; and this obligation , being a public law one , was properly enforceable by judicial review .
4 The lesbian and gay communities seized this opportunity to demand access to the airwaves , calling for more positive representation across the broad span of the schedule , and also for specific gay slots — in particular for a magazine-style programme .
5 RETURN_DETAIL/ — is a return parameter providing a report of the errors encountered during the attempt to grant/deny approval to the package .
6 Bexfield 's scissors offer a high level of strength , whilst long handles provide all the necessary leverage to transmit power to the points of the blades .
7 Former mayor Marion Barry , who had recently been convicted of cocaine possession [ see pp. 37647 ; 37769 ] , failed in his attempt to secure election to the city council , winning only 17 per cent of the vote .
8 The exceptionally hot summer of 1989 resulted in wines of great richness and power , with plenty of ripe tannins to give longevity to the wine .
9 In an attempt to do justice to the complexity of opinions , the research comprises three parts : a national attitude survey , to determine the structure of attitudes at one point in time ; follow-up interviews with a small number of respondents to the national survey , in which the experience of using various welfare services is being explored in detail ; and the re-analysis of information from previous surveys on similar topics , to see whether attitudes have changed much in recent years .
10 By taking the mystique out of accounting and finance , we can allow the role of the financial department to add value to the business . ’
11 By taking the mystique out of accounting and finance , we can allow the role of the financial department to add value to the business .
12 Tony Benn , Ken Livingstone and Dennis Skinner , Labour chairman , joined in an attempt to rally opposition to the review at a pre-conference fringe meeting .
13 However , if you have a mixed bouquet , there may be both small and large flowers that can be used , as well as different shapes to add interest to the picture .
14 Dictionaries make heavy use of typography to convey information to the reader .
15 Please make copies of this so that you may use them at your convenience in the future to return information to the Council .
16 But the logic of punk 's evangelistic drive to change things led to a attempt to take demystification to the people : the pop deconstruction of ABC ( exposing pop 's stage managing , as on the sleeve of The Lexicon of Love ) and Scritti Politti ( affirming and unravelling , simultaneously , the lover 's non-sensical discourse ) .
17 It provided for nationalization of forests , the sale of some state-owned industries to provide money for agricultural development , some worker participation in prophet sharing , revision of electoral laws ( including significant rights for women ) , the formation of a Literacy Corps in an attempt to take education to the countryside and .
18 In late 1990 the SLORC initiated a major crackdown against opposition activities in order to force all parties to pledge allegiance to the decree [ see p. 37857 ] .
19 The meeting agreed to set up a working group on whale-watching but a British proposal to give the IWC a role in monitoring whale-watching and preparing guidelines to minimise disturbance to the animals was opposed by Japan and Norway and their supporters .
20 He was accorded this title in March at a meeting in Islamabad of nine warring factions called by Pakistan in an attempt to bring peace to the country .
21 Place a metal strip around borders to prevent damage to the lawn edges
22 If the Policyholder had been aware of the faulty roof for some time and had taken no action to prevent damage to the home , there may have been a breach of the reasonable care condition .
23 Ladder and/or steps to gain access to the roof space ( usually the vendor will provide this )
24 Harry Enfield 's Guide to the Opera , filming now for next year , is a bid to introduce opera to the masses .
25 The Labour Party , after some initial ambivalence , had moved by the end of August to outright support of the war effort , accepting an electoral truce and joining with other parties to lend support to the recruiting drive .
26 Participation in the Diamond Syndicate , set up in 1926 , by Sir Ernst Oppenheimer to bring stability to the diamond industry , secured JCI 's interest in this industry .
27 By the time the work had finished two internal walls had been completely destroyed and Crook took the decision to set fire to the flat in the hope Langbaurgh Council , which owns the block , might rehouse him .
28 The University of Edinburgh Staff Club has recently changed its rules to open membership to the graduates of universities other than Edinburgh .
29 Camdessus also urged the industrialized countries to increase aid to the LDCs and to write off official loans to the poorest countries .
30 It will be necessary for the management to provide information to the investors , and they will need the consent of the vendor before doing so .
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