Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [noun sg] of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Alongside the organisational changes aiming to improve exchanges between Government , the science base , and industry , the industry departments , supported by the Department of Trade and Industry 's ( DTI 's ) Innovation Unit , intend to scale up their activities to promote awareness of the importance of innovation among senior managers in the business community .
2 All the other matches ended in draws but Nottinghamshire wasted an opportunity to go top of the table at Lord 's .
3 All the other matches ended in draws but Nottinghamshire wasted an opportunity to go top of the table at Lord 's .
4 ( In passing this is why how and why can function as interrogative adverbs to request identification of the means required to achieve some end or the reason for something . )
5 Talks held on July 23 between the deputy chairmen of the Russian and Ukrainian parliaments , Yury Yazov and Vasiliy Dudinets respectively , ended with a decision to set up a joint parliamentary commission based in Sevastopol to supervise observance of the Dagomys agreement .
6 Not only , therefore , was William party to the decision to request continuation of the supervision order , but he now looks back and agrees it was the right decision .
7 The DFR only acknowledged receipt for shipment and not receipt for on board shipment ; and as did the air waybill , the DFR required only proper identification by the consignee or his agent to obtain delivery of the goods .
8 Not only do we find Lord Sumner in this case denying that elected members ‘ are to be guided by their personal opinions on political , economic , or social questions in administering the funds which they derive from levying rates ’ but Lord Atkinson denounces the councillors for being guided ‘ by some eccentric principles of socialistic philanthropy , or by a femininist ambition to secure equality of the sexes in the world of wages ’ .
9 After press inquiries yesterday , lawyers , councils and lending agencies contacted Government offices to obtain clarification of the situation .
10 Some of the costs that were eventually allowed were costs incurred in conducting correspondence with a surety in an unsuccessful attempt to obtain payment of the mortgage debt i.e. non-litigation costs .
11 As recently as 1949 a Dutch officer had committed some appalling massacres here in a misguided attempt to regain control of the colonies for Holland .
12 If it was Mrs Foster 's intention to express disapproval of the Major 's predilection for gossip , the animation in her tone and the wild fluttering of her colourless eyelashes seemed rather to show an unhealthy interest in what he had to say and an eagerness to discuss it .
13 I am sure you will be interested to know the outcome of the application by Lucy to use part of the North Yard as a temporary training organisation in construction worker skills , for previously unemployed adults .
14 Sotheby 's B shares carry ten votes each and this , of course , will enable Taubman to retain control of the auction house which he purchased for £80 million in 1983 , unless the bank forecloses on the debt of Mr Taubman 's affiliate ( assumed to be his investments in the troubled retailing sectors ) for which 11 million of his Sotheby 's B shares stand guaranty .
15 But the two ‘ warriors ’ explain that ever since the first Earth party came to the Sense-Sphere years ago , repaying kindness with treachery in a bid to seize control of the planet 's rich stocks of the metal molybdenum , all humans are now made permanent prisoners .
16 On a more modest basis , IBM UK have agreed to fund a pilot global population database being built in Birkbeck College to permit assessment of the impact of environmental change on the world s population .
17 Despite this , the Labour Group did persuade some schools to delay implementation of the L M S Initiative and I rather suspect that some of these schools regret this decision today .
18 If a horse encounters a strange object and is lacking in confidence , it will extend his head and neck to allow investigation of the object .
19 Several European governments and the European Commission provide funds to pay part of the costs of public information and education programmes about the Third World .
20 Weather and sea conditions during the service were extremely hazardous , demanding absolute concentration to maintain control of the lifeboat .
21 The answer is that it must be partial entry , a firm offering to supply part of the market only at a price less than p , .
22 The summit 's commitment to " increase the transparency in the decision-making process of the Community " was seen as an attempt to assist ratification of the Treaty .
23 It is your directors ' present intention to seek renewal of the authority at that time and annually thereafter .
24 In addition , the Governments of Hungary , Czechoslovakia and Poland have announced their intention to seek membership of the EEC : meeting in Višegrad in February 1991 , these three Governments announced that they would apply collectively and as a bloc .
25 An attempt to raise awareness of the symptoms , which resemble those of flu or measles , will be an important part of the one point two million pound advertising campaign .
26 The law 's requirement for information on entry is an attempt to take account of the variety of policies operated by schools .
27 True , it did so cautiously — the cut in the discount rate from 8.0 to 7.5 per cent ( with no change in the Lombard rate ) does indeed represent a modest move — but this caution is clearly an attempt to take account of the slowdown of the German economy while signalling that the central bankers are continuing to keep an eye on inflation .
28 As a result , it announced its intention to cease recognition of the polytechnic 's courses after the 1979–80 academic year unless substantial improvements were made .
29 How happy it is to see with what zeal and what promptitude all over the country the working population have exhibited their readiness to take advantage of the opportunities when once afforded them .
30 — The New Albert , social club and snooker centre , Grange Road : £10,000 for new brick facade to improve appearance of the building .
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