Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [pron] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He fought their attempts to carry him out with the strength of one possessed .
2 I picked up my briefcase , started out the door and asked the FBI agent on the case to see me downstairs to a cab because I did n't feel very safe in Chicago .
3 But I have n't the heart to drive him back to the warren .
4 He was busy in the bottom of the second punt , and when he climbed out of it he cut the rope securing the first punt with his sword , and then used his foot to launch it out across the water .
5 General Dynamics and McDonnell Douglas , builders of the super-expensive A-12 fighter for the United States Navy , want the Pentagon to bail them out of a possible $2.7 billion overrun on the development and production of A-12s .
6 All that postmodernism has been able to do is signal the demise and loss of all we have held dear , and it remains for another generation of artists to pull us out of the mire .
7 Sinn Fein failed in an attempt to co-opt him on to the council on Wednesday night .
8 Phil , his ever-cheerful self , telling me he has stood up his girlfriend to see me through till the end .
9 Frank Howard , defending , said Millman had been drinking to celebrate his birthday and expected his girlfriend to drive him home at the end of the night .
10 She allowed Dr Neil to sit her down on a doorstep and help her to replace her shoe , and he guarded her while she tidied her hair , and pulled her torn dress together .
11 The water start uses the force of the wind to pull you out of the water and , when performed properly , is a faster and more efficient means of starting on all types of board .
12 Hard-up families in the stockbroker belt are begging state schools to bail them out as the recession bites deeper .
13 That is the pathway we have gone down , and in consequence we have reduced the amount of food that is given to our cows that could be eaten by man from 50 per cent to 14 per cent by getting the input from grass and porridge oats : food that would otherwise be wasted in a system that is not using these animals to pick it up on the way .
14 This consisted of enrolling one 's child in a private playschool , which sent a car to pick him up in the morning and deposit him back on his own doorstep in the late afternoon .
15 Twelve years after the Republicans moved into the White House and 13 months after the Arkansas governor launched his long-shot bid to win it back for the Democrats , the man on the defensive was Mr Bush .
16 but er any attempt to put anything on at the back to the extent , right up to the Scout 's hut in Beech Hall will , I think , generate a lot of feelings about
17 It has been decided to play the tape in an attempt to entice them out of the enclosed channel .
18 In the 1760s Catherine II of Russia had in self-defence to issue decrees ordering her subjects to petition her only through the appropriate officials and not by the direct personal presentation to her of their grievances and requests .
19 It catapults grains of sand at passing ants in an attempt to knock them down into the pit and eat them .
20 The crowd was shouting and gesticulating , parents lifting children on shoulders to keep them out of the crush , fists punching the air , workmen 's tools being waved like weapons .
21 Was it a two-way respect — had the two got their heads together and decided it might be beneficial to Travis to send him out of the country for a short while ?
22 It was surely preferable for the superpowers to fight it out in the space race than blow the world to bits ( Wolfe 1979 ) .
23 Each evening when we tidied away our papers I expected Edward to invite me over to the Lodge for a drink or a meal , and the invitation was not extended .
24 Is there a message for me from a garage ? ’ she changed her mind to rephrase it pleasantly to the man whom she 'd seen many times before and who , from his broad welcoming smile , she knew had remembered her .
25 There 's a little tiny bit to tinker with , but it 's not if we were to , we , we 're canvassing at pressed about altering the length of the lunchtime break to break it down from an hour and a half and an hour and a quarter to an hour and a quarter to an hour which is being we would save some money on not paying our
26 In Darcy 's Utopia there are bound to be children , but their parents will be carefully selected , and being in short supply they will grow up in a world which loves and admires children and finds them interesting , and does n't herd them together in schools to get them out of the way , dunk them in front of obscene videos to keep them quiet , and slap them about and threaten them in the streets , which is what happens in this society of ours which you seem to find both perfectly ordinary , and , worse , inevitable .
27 Experience will show you how to readjust your programme to get yourself back on the right track .
28 The Haldane partisan , Morris , moreover , said openly that he defied Captain Cunningham and all his friends and supporters to remove him again from the town .
29 After Power Behind the Throne , the powers-that-be in Middenheim might well send the adventurers off to Castle Drachenfels in an attempt to get them out of the way — if they should chance to die in the Castle , their embarrassing knowledge will die with them .
30 They pulled me up off the floor with my hands up behind my back and they were walking me out of the chemist with my arms up and my head pushed down and one of them was kicking me in the back of my legs to get me over to the car .
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