Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [adj] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A.J. Wilson , the President of the National Deaf Club , and the first deaf person to drive a car back in 1896 , got another ‘ first ’ that was most unwelcome when he became the first deaf driver to fall foul of the road traffic laws and be fined for speeding .
2 Mary had lost both parents , her husband and two children within the space of ten years , and had not had the opportunity to acknowledge any of the effect this had on her .
3 The World Bank extended to Iran its first loan since 1978 ( prior to the Iranian revolution ) on March 16 , a loan made possible by the US decision to remain neutral on the matter .
4 In their view this Soviet withdrawal , and the policy of ‘ Finlandisation ’ which Finland ostensibly embarked on , had been enabled by Sweden 's decision to remain neutral after the war .
5 If it is appropriate for a case to go direct to the House of Lords it seems wrong that a litigant should be able to frustrate what appears to be a proper course .
6 It is therefore possible , M Delors admits , for an EC wholesaler sending food to the Vatican to claim one of the Community 's fabled ‘ export refunds ’ — the generous cash incentives to dump surplus produce outside the EC which have crippled the world trade talks .
7 We decided we ought to give people the opportunity to see some of the water meadow .
8 When Christine Osborne travelled 4,348 kilometers across Australia on the Indian-Pacific she met some down-to-earth characters and had the opportunity to see some of the country 's most remote mining centres .
9 However when the party broke up and he offered her a lift home , she was quick to negotiate secretly with her hostess for her bike to remain unmentioned in the stairwell until she came back the next day to collect it .
10 The hole goes right through to the inner mechanism and was therefore the source of the oil leak , 19 this hole necessary for the diaphragm to work independent of the crankcase pressure fluctuations or is there some kind of seal missing or broken ?
11 Lord Young has had to battle hard ever since to defend both his original deferment of publication and his decision to stand fast despite the leak .
12 But at a meeting of Cheshire 's Police Committee yesterday , councillors made a unanimous decision to find half of the money out of the county council 's reserves .
13 But at a meeting of Cheshire 's Police Committee yesterday , councillors made a unanimous decision to find half of the money out of the county council 's reserves .
14 He reiterated that the USA had a huge advantage in aircraft , and a combination of the escalator clause with fifth freedom rights ‘ would enable American aircraft to carry most of the traffic between the UK and the Dominions of India and all foreign countries , as well as between all nations of the Commonwealth ’ .
15 She made no attempt to light one of the gas bowls and the vague glow from the fire did little to brighten the dimness of the room .
16 Soon , thought Melissa sadly , it would be the turn of Uncle Vittorio and Aunt Rosina to stand sorrowing over the grave of their niece .
17 But he had resolved , when he first took up his great task , that , if God spared his life , before many years he would cause the boy that drove the plough to know more of the Scripture than the ignorant parish clergy of his time .
18 The public rebuke of Sununu was also widely interpreted as a deliberate attempt to undercut some of the authority of his powerful Chief of Staff .
19 There is a fairly obvious way in which the extreme naive inductivist position criticized in the previous section can be weakened in an attempt to counter some of the criticism .
20 Roberts , who now needs just three winners to reach 150 for the season , is 22 ahead of Pat Eddery in the jockeys ' title race .
21 Yanto stood alone in the oily smelling cabin , allowing his eyes to grow accustomed to the gloom after the bright sunshine outside .
22 In that case the judge passed a six months ' suspended prison sentence , allowing the defendant to walk free from the court .
23 The 7.5 per cent increase in duty on leaded petrol in the Budget was understandable , given that the aim was to encourage drivers to buy lead-free for the sake of the environment .
24 It is always difficult for members of any industry to look far into the future and it is especially so for the farming industry .
25 He said one of the aims was to encourage the horticultural industry to fund much of the research from its own resources .
26 It is a tribute to Masur and the players that a live performance — apparently taken from one concert and not edited from other sources , unless it was a previous rehearsal — should achieve a precision of ensemble to rival that of a studio performance .
27 WYCOMBE took advantage of Colchester 's involvement in the Trophy to draw level with the Conference leaders on 75 points , thanks to a 3–1 victory in front of a 2,236 crowd at Farnborough .
28 ‘ But I had no mandate to do this from the council .
29 A LONDONDERRY school head has called ‘ foul ’ over dog owners who allow their pets to run free over a play area .
30 And although I move on in the final chapter to consider some of the policy implications of the analysis , the main aim will be to clarify rather than prescribe .
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