Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [noun] at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 It is up to the Secretary of State , if he keeps internment on the books as he has told us he will , to begin to educate people throughout this kingdom about the need to implement internment at a time that he judges correct — when he is advised by the Chief Constable and the GOC to do so .
2 She was a clever woman with obscure sources of energy who would suddenly start to garden by torchlight late at night , or walk wilfully all the way to Soho to buy vegetables at the times when the pin in her hipbone was especially painful .
3 Additionally , if it is found that feelings of risk in the simulator are similar to those experienced when actually driving , and there is reasonable consistency between subjects in assessments , it is possible to infer the feelings of risk a subject is likely to experience when confronted with a particular situation without actually asking the subject to give ratings at the time .
4 Data General Corp is finding the transition to open systems at a time of recession extremely painful with a second quarter loss of $55m after a $48m charge for another 1,000 lay-offs : turnover was down 14% at $274m , in part because the sale of the Japanese subsidiary cut volume by $19m ; the company blamed the disappointing results on competitive pricing pressures , which have cut profits , as well as the weak worldwide economy ; the company says it continues to be very cautious about the remainder of 1992 ; AViiON sales continue to grow , but ‘ we are not satisfied with overall revenues , ’ the company declared Electronic Data Systems Corp says its graphical design system now supports Hewlett-Packard 's series 700 workstations : first deliveries are scheduled for May .
5 Press criticism inspired by certain currents within the FLN meanwhile accused the government of having played " Russian roulette " with the country 's future by allowing the elections to take place at a time when an Islamist win likely .
6 Brick-making was expanded in country market towns to provide employment at a time of decline in the need for farm labourers .
7 He would start the evening in his quiet , sometimes moody , Kansas drawl and would end up in ranting fashion , telling them all that things would be different when he and the rest of ‘ new ’ Hollywood were running things , and they would all be clapped in irons , which was hardly the brightest way to inspire confidence at a time when you were seeking film money .
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