Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [noun] with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With the impact of Zhelev 's attack still reverberating , the 21-member UDF coalition held a national conference in Sofia on Sept. 18-20 and agreed to establish working groups to conduct talks with the President and the MRF .
2 teachers in ‘ feeder ’ middle schools were invited to read the study and two schools subsequently redesigned their humanities course to provide continuity with the curriculum at Sir Frank Markham ;
3 Pluralists and some Marxists expect such institutions to indoctrinate policy-influentials with the need to perform their organizationally defined roles .
4 The UKCC has failed in its organisation of the election to provide candidates with the opportunity to address their constituency .
5 For those who have never been involved in the arts the exchange offers a wide range of opportunities to invest money with the aim of obtaining hard currency under a transfer deal system .
6 EC monitors had extended their activities to Hungary to monitor compliance with the arms embargo on Yugoslavia , having signed a protocol to this effect with Hungary on Jan. 16 .
7 Although it has announced an intention to provide DCE-conformance with the Windows Remote Procedure Call ( RPC ) , it is not implementing all of DCE 's functionality , only the RPC .
8 We will continue to develop new innovation schemes for small and medium-sized businesses , including the highly-regarded SPUR programme to provide help with the development of new products and processes .
9 It is being used in over 250 branches to provide staff with the skills to help customers facing financial problems , such as mortgage arrears .
10 While the award of the Nobel Prize will , if anything , only strengthen Peking 's resolve over Tibet , it challenges Peking to honour what it says is its readiness to open dialogue with the Dalai Lama .
11 suggesting that it was a Communist-inspired attempt to reach agreement with the Liberals .
12 Such apparent complacency stung the voters and , in a way , it was the epitaph of the Labour government and its attempt to share responsibility with the unions .
13 Still , there was safety in numbers , even sparse ones , so she skipped smartly across the street , shortening her stride to keep pace with the woman 's slower one .
14 Anonymity is not used to neutralize the moral responsibility respondents would otherwise have for their actions and opinions , but is our attempt to keep faith with the trust we earned .
15 It does seem fair to contact the child 's existing school before any decision is made so that the school can make some attempt to reconcile differences with the parent and also to avoid the accusation of pupil poaching .
16 At the Party convention two groups split away , Henry Wallace , calling for a radical policy at home and an attempt to settle differences with the USSR abroad , led an independent Progressive Party .
17 The regime had recently expressed readiness to develop relations with the United States and to join the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe ( CSCE ) .
18 As a result of British pressure on Argentina , the only country apart from Mexico to maintain relations with the USSR was Uruguay ( 1925–35 ) .
19 In a declaration annexed to the convention the EC reiterated its readiness to exchange views with the ACP countries on the debt issue .
20 They have opposed every attempt to improve relations with the West and to liberalise the economy as a betrayal of the legacy of Khomeini .
21 He grew sugar beet everywhere and built , on an island in the Thames still known as ‘ Brandy Island ’ , a large distillery to make spirit with the sugar beet .
22 The Comintern Secretariat cabled a reply on 30 April , welcoming the Conference decision , and expressing its readiness to begin negotiations with the NAC .
23 Businessmen from Sunkyong and Samling visited Guyana in March to open negotiations with the government and , on 17 October , signed a 25-year lease on 16,700km 2 of virgin forest — an area 10 times the size of Greater London .
24 ( 3 ) See note to s.08 regarding the requirement to provide meals with the sale of alcohol and what constitutes a " meal . "
25 The inability to compete on salary terms , which creates staff shortages for certain organisations , is compounded in many cases by an inability to offer sufficiently satisfying work to attract labour with the skills that are desired .
26 Compounds such as hexachlorobenzene , trichloroethylene or polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBs ) are increasingly building a reputation for life-threatening toxicity , and a habit of escaping from factories or dump sites to play havoc with the environment .
27 Mr Gidaspov , however , who is not a party apparatchik , was one of the few top Communists to retain popularity with the Leningrad electorate .
28 Mr Gidaspov , however , who is not a party apparatchik , was one of the few top Communists to retain popularity with the Leningrad electorate .
29 On May 7 , 1990 , Czechoslovakia signed a pact to liberalize trade with the EC .
30 The Committee has shied away from recommending any sanction more drastic than public censure , such as delisting , for failure to include the statement of compliance , and it is to rely on shareholders to use their influence to ensure compliance with the elements of the code .
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