Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Time was when a priest used to put it in the parish mag if he intended being out of the parish for more than twenty-four hours .
2 ’ When we were very small , ’ Irina would recall , ’ our parents used to take us through the city streets on small sledges .
3 Elaine used to deafen them on the side there !
4 The House of Commons Agriculture Committee have also examined agriculture and the system of EEC and national supports used to bolster it in the UK 's LFA , to some degree comparing the situation with that in France and West Germany .
5 ‘ Any organisation ought to subject itself to the sort of management consultancy which will allow it to define its objectives , ’ he believes .
6 No , very few , erm in Lane , which is now in an estate agent 's parlance , erm a desirable part of the town , they used to be Mr the local the solicitor , of Castlegate , and his wife used to drive him to the station , to catch the train to Nottingham .
7 My old mum used to take me to the fair there .
8 Jack used to call me into the office , ask me to sign three letters and then order me back out onto the training pitch because he knew that was my second home . ’
9 She was supposed to have the power of healing stomach aches , and people used to visit her during the hours of the siesta so that no one would know .
10 Father used to demonstrate it to the boys at the grammar school when he was teaching history there . ’
11 Uncle used to tell me about the time when the primitive Methodists and the Wesley Methodists were joining up .
12 I knew her as a girl because my own parents being much occupied , my nurse used to take me to the north to her brother 's farm for holidays .
13 It was said that um when he was a baby his nurse used to masturbate him in the cradle t to calm him to stop him crying and er apparently this was at that time , so it was believed , quite a common way of of keeping infants quiet .
14 My dad used to take me to the baths every Tuesday night .
15 Dad , dad used to use it for the bonfires but when he , when he did n't have any petrol he used to use it on the bonfire and he had it in a secret bottle and erm he got it too near and he did n't realize and all of a sudden it goes really really hot and he threw it and everywhere .
16 Mother used to take me to the lawyers in in Newarks .
17 So it was just My mother used to see me across the road with my shilling to pay for my pinny .
18 And er he er he used I used Mother used to send me with the tea to the to the church to the churchyard to father .
19 One woman with this problem , whose rather self-absorbed elderly mother used to keep her on the telephone for hours with doom-laden conversations , solved it by telling her that she had developed migraine which was always triggered off by holding a phone to her ear for more than a quarter of an hour at a time !
20 Your player used to test you on the first hole .
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