Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Religious doctrine may describe these powers as the holy spirit descended into material form ; everyday terminology may call them the forces of Nature .
2 The humiliations may show us the strength of the opposition which the world , temporal and spiritual , sets up against him , but they promise too the kind of imaginative and moral strength which will raise him about it .
3 But while we 're on the subject a dose of hard living might do you the world of good . ’
4 Still , with all the experience Niki has , he knows that the tiniest defect in his car could lose him the championship ; any mistake on his own part and his title is gone .
5 The opportunity to go away from the school and work in a different atmosphere and with people who might have a different perspective on the management of organizations would give me the chance to look back into the school more objectively and question some of the assumptions I had grown to accept .
6 Littlewoods ' 25% would give it the size to be able to rival Great Universal Stores , the clear market leader on 40% .
7 In the nineteenth century , however , those who conducted the research did not really believe that their subjects would tell them the truth reliably if they asked them for information directly , and so they drew inferences about people 's ideas , religious beliefs , political commitments and so on from the type of literature they had on their shelf or the pictures they had on their walls .
8 The near future will give us the answer .
9 If the blood test shows you are not immune , one injection will give you the protection you need .
10 If the blood test shows you are not immune , one injection will give you the protection you need .
11 So you might find that er a and in , in some ways it 's rather interesting , because your S and T skills might get you the job .
12 If they both ran into Viola , he would introduce her as that , and if he waited awhile , fate might save him the trouble of a divorce , anyway .
13 " That boy 'd give you the creeps , " she said , still shaky in the glass-house where her husband was working .
14 Before Rincewind could stop him the dragonrider had leapt from the creature 's back to land on the platform , where he stood grinning at the wizard 's discomfiture .
15 One night I had a vivid dream that to correct this error would bring us the wind .
16 But as an occasion it promised much , for Lester Piggott was idolized by the racing public and expectations were running high that Commanche Run would bring him the record .
17 England were due to meet Wales in the final match of the round robin series today knowing that a share of the honours would give them the crown .
18 They had no idea that his old world manners and charm would win him the love of the most eligible divorcee in the land , the Princess Royal , Princess Anne .
19 A blood test will give you the answer to this problem I 'm sure .
20 But physically — this type of exercise will do you the world of good .
21 Kim will give you the works ,
22 A few years at work in a friendly tax climate might give you the chance to build up capital , and to keep it somewhere out of harm 's way .
23 No whoever gave them the kit could give them the training to go with it .
24 ‘ I 'm sad , Luney , that 's what it is , ’ and she wished Luney could cover her the way she had Francis , as though she too were like a baby .
25 If the sign said ‘ Parking — No Caravans ’ , a restricted class can not use the field , but as the majority group could use it the field would be a public place .
26 The cane , cane and strap you used to have , the teacher used to give us the strap , the headmaster used to give us the cane .
27 Ed would tell you the implications of playing a football stadium in Poland , for instance .
28 Should you want to escape reality for a while , £12 would buy you the skills of a trained , uniformed chauffeur for an hour .
29 Again Moloney offers such an analysis of the younger DUP activists : ‘ … men like Robinson , Allister and Kane who are at the start of political careers know that the negative politics practised for so long by their leader would deny them the office and power that could be theirs . ’
30 A higher vantage point would give her the advantage in battle if the creatures returned .
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