Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] [verb] the first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Students who wish to enter a combined course must complete the first year satisfactorily , with passes in two units in each of the two subjects which they wish to combine .
2 A poor man who entered into a partnership could complete the first stage in a year to fifteen months ; he could start a partnership with a poorer man in two or three years .
3 It had been hoped that the removal of exchange rate fluctuations between EC currencies would constitute the first stage toward monetary union , but the widespread acceptance of floating has made this aim more difficult to achieve , although the European Monetary System has had some success in this respect .
4 The finding of high plasma n3 polyunsaturated fatty acids concentrations would support the first part of this hypothesis ; that is , the increase in polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis .
5 Information sessions will cover the first year of the pilot and one college 's experience of offering the additional assessment .
6 It was decided that Wordsworth should write the first book or canto of the tale , Coleridge the second , ‘ and which ever had done first , was to set about the third ’ .
7 For solar flares , a system of early warning satellites around the Sun could detect the first sign of trouble .
8 Angel could see the first light in the east .
9 Russia could get the first half of its share ( half , in turn , of the total of up to $1 billion ) as early as May .
10 The trimpot used to set the first stage gain , should be set at maximum resistance and the multi-turn zero offset trimpot to the centre of its range before this check .
11 If suitable offers are received for the work being put out to tender today , Scotland will become the first country in the world with a fully-integrated national road management system using electronic roadside signs to warn and divert drivers on major routes and new , in-car navigation systems to beat urban traffic problems .
12 AT LEAST three records will be established in today 's 138th University Boat Race — Cambridge 's Dirk Bangert will become the first German to row in the race , Andy Probert , their 38-year-old cox , will be the oldest ever competitor and Oxford 's Boris Mavra will be the first Yugoslav Blue .
13 Graduates from fixed wing models will find the first type the most natural way to go , but they can become dangerous if you get into trouble or become disorientated .
14 Readability will remain the first principle of Cobol , no matter what paradigm fashion dictates it must embrace .
15 WELSHMAN Robbie Regan will make the first defence of his European flyweight crown against Hitchin 's Danny Porter at the National Ice Rink , Cardiff on January 19 .
16 All accepted entries will be examined and the judges will award the first prize to the entrant they consider has shown the greatest skill and judgement in placing the eight letters in the order most likely to appeal to a typical IDEAL HOME reader .
17 Brussels-based ODA Consortium will publish the first release of its Open Document Architecture toolkit for EDI on March 31st next year .
18 Most parents can identify the first phase of interaction with their child , that is they can see what the child is doing that is irritating and they see how they react , but rarely do they then follow through the interaction to see what happens at the end .
19 Believe it or not , Paul Newman is on hand to play the President and Susan Sarandon may play the first lady .
20 Wiltshire could become the first county in Britain to ban foxhunting on county council land .
21 ( I have since called to mind G. K. Chesterton 's remark in Heretics that ideas are dangerous and most dangerous to the man of no ideas : ‘ the man of no ideas will find the first idea fly to his head like wine to the head of a teetotaller . ’ )
22 CARDIFF 'S Steve Robinson will make the first defence of his WBO World featherweight title at the city 's national ice rink on July 10 against British title holder Shaun Murphy , of St Albans .
23 Smoke detectors may give the first alarm but detection is often by smell and by seeing smoke and flames .
24 The superstition that the third light from a match brings bad luck apparently originates from the first world war , when German soldiers in the opposite trench would notice the first light , take aim at the second and fire at the third .
25 DEC says its results for this quarter will reflect the first growth in its business for eight quarters .
26 JAN MOLBY will miss the first month of Liverpool 's Premier League title challenge .
27 When an azure-winged magpie is fooled into accepting a cuckoo 's eggs , the cuckoo chicks will take the first opportunity to push the magpie 's own eggs out of the nest .
28 This sawn surface will become the first face of the section , and it is lapped with paraffin oil and 600F Carborundum on the precision lapping machine .
29 I think that the instructor should treat the first flight on a particular glider as if it was the first flight of the day , and on subsequent flights he should just check for full and free movement and that the surfaces are moving fully .
30 The Ministry of Agriculture said yesterday it was hoped that next week would see the first dairy farms released from the restriction orders .
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