Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] out [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , the examples Couturier gives are of multiple discrete points of view carefully distinguished within the novels in question ( The Sound and the Fury , Pale Fire ) , whereas the mutable point of view employed in Verbivore is a technique developed out of the possibilities inherent in print , but moving toward the mutability of cybernetic text .
2 Pouf , man , you 've let yourself be scared by a figure plucked out of the clouds .
3 Nor did the general public have a very high regard of embalming , believing it to be another unnecessary luxury meted out to the corpses of the rich .
4 A sampling programme carried out in the Coins and Medals Department in 1979 checked some 10,000 of the estimated 600,000 objects in the collections .
5 The project follows on from research carried out by the investigators into the structure of Scottish rural society during early-modern times .
6 A study carried out in the mid-1980s in a South London day hospital and in local day centres examined the ordinary , everyday needs and specific treatment requirements of attenders .
7 And before Fen could answer her question a dark bulk moved out of the shadows into their path .
8 The two black cars pulled out of the gates , round the corner , and were gone .
9 The time of Sigmar sees the Orcs and Goblins driven out of the lands west of the Worlds Edge Mountains .
10 The manor passed out of the hands of the Archbishop and into the hands of the Crown in 1545 .
11 The script , about a soldier taken out of the trenches not , as he fears , to be shot , but to organize an army concert party , is just a rudimentary framework within which to present a number of variety turns .
12 As soon as we arrived after our long pull from the valley , she would arrange to have the horse taken out of the shafts .
13 Following well-rehearsed dismounting drills , the riflemen poured out of the Warriors and in next to no time were providing their own fire support as the Warriors reversed away at high speed to give covering fire from positions where they would be less vulnerable to short-range anti-tank weapons .
14 Here , the proceeds of a fresh issue of shares may be used instead to the extent of the lesser of the company 's share premium account ( including any premium on the fresh issue ) and the amount of the premium on the original issue ( in which case the company 's share premium account will be reduced by a sum equal to the payment made out of the proceeds of the fresh issue ) ( s160(2) ) .
15 Those who authorise the dreadful deeds carried out by the torturers ( or whoever ) also share whatever proportion of this retrospective agony the deity — or his angelic cost-benefit-calculating representatives — deem they deserve .
16 Whereas the line item approach bears no relation at all to the activities of the police force it is possible to identify various functions carried out by the police and thereby determine suitable programmes .
17 It is already leading to a resumption or the land improvement work carried out by the crofters in the sixties , with the help of the College of Agriculture and the Crofters Commission , working closely together .
18 The research draws on previous work carried out in the coalfields which described the existence of a sharp division of labour between men and women .
19 BBC culture , like BBC standard English , was not peculiar to itself but an intellectual ambience composed out of the values , standards and beliefs of the professional middle class , especially that part educated at Oxford and Cambridge .
20 It would clearly be far too expensive to repeat every investigation carried out by the police , to say nothing of delays .
21 Pesh Framjee would like to see ‘ incorporated charities taken out of the Companies Act and only reporting under the Charities Act , or if that is not possible have them report under both .
22 These are prisoners locked out of the prisons where they should be held .
23 The formula does not contain silicone so it wo n't create build-up on the hair which can sometimes affect the result of chemical treatments carried out in the salons .
24 These ratings of a specific meaning were made possible by a two-stage assessment procedure carried out by the members of the research team , rather than using self-rating questionnaire methods .
25 The long trestle tables were set out in the meadow and garden lights strung out in the trees , and soon the diners began to arrive .
26 For a miracle , almost boiling hot water poured out of the taps into the bath and Julia let herself have a really deep bath for once , lying there dreaming about the day when her life might be whole again and weaving plans to make it so , until the skin of her fingers and toes crinkled and the water felt cold .
27 He was unlikely to have her arrested again , and an unwanted pass might seem like fair payment for a few hours spent out of the confines of her depressing little room .
28 Brown sticks stuck out of the sleeves where there should have been wrists and his head was like a hard dry acorn , sun-burned and bald , no hair .
29 The Germans opted out of the hostilities , entirely , the French sent an ambiguous little contingent , and only the British were fully committed alongside their American allies .
30 That was the kidney knifed out of the bullocks where the kidney lay in , what you have steak and kidney pies , yeah .
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