Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] out [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The committee takes the view that government research projects carried out by private industry have a better chance of leading to commercial rewards in terms of new products and processes .
2 As with all restoration projects carried out by any society , cash is the key issue and a share issue has been launched to finance the restoration of both vehicles with £1 shared available in blocks of 10 to adults and singly to children .
3 Typography within a dictionary indicates the function carried out by particular parts of the text .
4 Reactions Carried Out at Constant Pressure
5 Morphological measurements and enzyme activities carried out on intestinal mucosa are another good method of assessing dietary nitrogen quality .
6 It is necessary to designate one LIFESPAN user to be responsible for the operation and control of the offline system , since the activities carried out by this person are significantly more complicated than those met by most LIFESPAN users .
7 As this latter example suggests , there is also a wide and varied range of trading activities carried out by local authorities ( see Chapter 12 ) .
8 The number of audits carried out by each firm was taken from our database at 1992 .
9 In the following year , indeed , Joan of Arc was captured at Compiègne and in May 1431 , after what was a political trial carried out under ecclesiastical rules , she was condemned and burned at Rouen .
10 Secondly , this is not a comparative evaluation of different models of service , since the standardised diagnostic assessment carried out in this study by the research psychiatrist is not the same process of assessment that occurs in domiciliary visits performed by psychogeriatricians in more traditional services .
11 A study by Tahira Hira carried out on 400 CAB debt cases in Scotland between 1984 and 1987 points to interesting trends .
12 From General Portfolio comes the Financial Health Scheme , which provides cash for surgical operations carried out under general anaesthetic in a UK hospital .
13 Where a transfer of value is made by associated operations carried out at different times it shall be treated as made at the time of the last of them .
14 Light given out by distant galaxies has to swim against the tide of expansion to get to us .
15 He is by no means a total social isolate for there are still occasions when work is carried out in groups of two or three , but contact is more desultory and the closely knit relationships developed out of lengthy periods of working side by side have become somewhat attenuated .
16 While crucial to an assessment of the reality of middle class women 's experience , these differences in income and status within the middle class did not affect the prescriptions meted out to middle class women , which were fundamentally rooted in theories of sexual difference and the idea of separate spheres .
17 There were also reports throughout 1990 detailing acts of violence carried out against Bhutanese citizens by ethnic Nepalese and various other dissident elements .
18 With a length of 116 metres , a width of 18 metres and a depth of 6.9 metres over the sill , it enabled the larger steamers now frequenting the port to have repairs and maintenance carried out in modern facilities .
19 We do not report that 22% of all tonsillectomies for glue ear in Yorkshire were done as day case procedures but that 22% of tonsillectomies carried out as single procedures were .
20 There is then not only a relative gap to be filled , in these new terms , but also , from the quality of some of the work on the arts carried out from other positions , a sense of challenge : indeed a sense that it may be above all in this still major area that the qualities of the kinds of thinking represented by the contemporary convergence stand most to be tested .
21 An editorial in The Lancet ( November 10 , 1990 ) entitled ‘ Who 's for tennis ? ’ but which could have just as easily been entitled ‘ Who 's for running ? ’ sums up the present state of the art and looks particularly at a new piece of research carried out on civil servants .
22 This year , the funds have been allocated very much according to the UFC 's grading of the quality of research carried out at each university .
23 The results of much research carried out within African universities and research centres remain unknown outside the continent , and little known within it .
24 Extracts from these figures are listed as Table 1 , which records expenditure on libraries and computing for the universities involved in the present study , and Table 2 , which ranks these universities in terms of the proportions of post-graduate research carried out in these institutions .
25 The answer to this puzzle may have been provided by some research carried out by American engineers on another large white mammal of very cold regions , the polar bear .
26 The Tasman Sea ( which lies between Tasmania and Australia ) is warming up , according to research carried out by Australian research institute CSIRO .
27 The New Zealand cot death study was a nationwide case-control study carried out from 1 November 1987 to 31 October 1990 .
28 The initial wave of deportations followed round-ups carried out by French police in the occupied zone .
29 More serious , probably , was the extensive deforestation carried out by neolithic farmers from around 8000 BC onwards : a deforestation which , for example , denuded Scotland in the centuries before the Romans came .
30 Unemployment was abolished , class struggle overcome , and the living standards and cultural level of even the most backward of the country 's peoples transformed out of all recognition .
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