Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] in [art] same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Male workplaces are even more segregated ( 81 per cent of the husbands interviewed in the same survey in 1980 had no colleagues of the opposite sex doing the same type of work ) .
2 In another experiment reported in the same article , Kleiman observed the interference effects in a slightly different word-processing task .
3 MEMBERS of the Lloyd 's insurance market will have capital gains on their premium funds taxed in the same way as those of other corporate insurers the Chancellor said .
4 On 5 April , a set of fissures opened in the same place , and showers of incandescent fragments of lava were ejected .
5 It was Louisa as much as the doctor who supervised the carrying of Emilia into the Hall , holding her cold hand , murmuring small phrases of consolation and encouragement as the improvised litter was lifted carefully up the stairs and the invalid laid in the same bed where she had passed her first night at Easterness .
6 Children who know the meaning of more or of both more and less are careful to distinguish them from each other and from nonsense words introduced in the same setting .
7 Only twelve seconds of Crawford 's newly found skill was seen in this racy film and , incidentally , one of the two female water-skiers glimpsed in the same scene was Charlotte Rampling in her first film role .
8 Therefore s 1(1) was contravened when , as happened in the present case , a person caused a computer to perform a function with intent to secure unauthorised access to any program or data held in the same computer .
9 Held , that , in the opinion of the court , in section 1(1) ( a ) of the Act of 1990 the words ‘ causes a computer to perform any function with intent to secure access to any program or data held in any computer , ’ in their plain and ordinary meaning , were not confined to the use of one computer with intent to secure access into another computer ; so that section 1(1) was contravened where a person caused a computer to perform a function with intent to secure unauthorised access to any program or data held in the same computer ( post , pp. 437A–B , C–D , 438A , E–F ) .
10 This means that in the OED only cross-references backwards or to entries published in the same fascicle are adequate , and in the Supplement , only cross-references to OED , to earlier volumes , and to the same volume ( usually ) are adequate .
11 The court also awarded damages equivalent to US$20,000 to another Palestinian injured in the same incident .
12 Use the scatter dice to determine the direction moved in the same way as for Goblin Fanatics .
13 Use the Scatter dice to establish the direction moved in the same way as for Goblin Fanatics .
14 On the beach a speck moved in the same direction as they did .
15 This lavatera ( shrubby mallow ) flowers on wood made in the same season , so cut last year 's branches hard back in spring .
16 One is bound up with the fact that we do indeed suppose that there is some set of types of circumstances , each type related in the same way to startings-to-work of the wipers .
17 All limitations and exclusions in this Policy apply separately to each of the Buildings or Contents in each Home insured in the same manner as if each had been insured by a separate Policy .
18 This states that a pure compound always consists of the same elements combined in the same proportion by weight .
19 They say that once having used miscue analysis , they internalise its approach , and never listen to a child read in the same way again .
20 Tax could then be deducted in respect of the three previous instalments paid in the same tax year ( Johnson v Johnson [ 1946 ] P 205 ) .
21 When they were weighed in June they averaged 23.9kg compared with the 20.5kg of Bleu du Maine crosses managed in the same way .
22 Dhondt 's argument seems to fit Flanders best : but the Count Baldwin ( died 879 ) who held some counties in that region in the latter part of Charles 's reign is never called " Count of Flanders " in any ninth-century text ; the hallmarks of entrenched territorial power ( systematic fortifications ; minting of coins ) are not to be found during his lifetime , but rather in that of his son ; Baldwin had no monopoly on power in Flanders , for other magnates operated in the same region ; finally , no hereditary transmission of the " principality " can be demonstrated here during Charles 's reign but only , again , after Charles 's death .
23 All regiments are assumed to include a leader equipped in the same way as his men and with identical characteristics .
24 All units are assumed to include a leader equipped in the same way as his troops and with identical characteristics .
25 All regiments are assumed to include a leader equipped in the same way as his men and with identical characteristics .
26 In a later study carried out with left-handers classified in the same way as before Warrington and Pratt ( 1973 ) calculated language to be lateralised to the left hemisphere in 26 patients , to the right hemisphere in 9 patients and uncertain or bilateral in 2 patients .
27 Each child born with a defect was matched as closely as possible to a healthy infant born in the same hospital , at the same time .
28 Those over 65 years declined in the same period from 13% of all farmers to 10% .
29 The 1991 total is nearly 60 times lower than the 3.1 million working days lost in the same region in 1979 .
30 Simon Jenkins made the point forcefully : ‘ Go to any public meeting on an environmental issue and you will find it far better attended , with feelings running far higher , than any political meeting held in the same place . ’
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