Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] give [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 While there is no way of knowing whether these rates of erosion are typical or atypical of Andean regions in general , the data nevertheless give cause for concern and emphasise the role of soil erosion as a major agent of environmental change .
2 Luke broke off without completing the shocked question , the appalled look in his eyes gradually giving way to contrition as he stared at her .
3 The legs also gave scope for embellishment ; they were turned into columns or bent into distinctive arch shapes with ball feet .
4 Jordanhill also gives priority to students from sparsely populated areas in its hostel ; offers a Gaelic option in its Primary Diploma course and is associated with the Western Isles Bilingual Project .
5 The tape also gives advice on diet , health , and beauty .
6 Older associationist models gradually gave way to interpretations based on concepts of language learning .
7 As a person 's independence gradually gives way to dependence in one or more areas of daily life , it is generally accepted that the family will increase support and assistance .
8 It was a ‘ sad indictment ’ that some reporting accountants had evidently been issuing unqualified reports in circumstances subsequently giving rise to claims on the fund .
9 Loathsome as he now is , he becomes still more so as he hypocritically professes to Cornwall his filial embarrassment : ‘ How , my lord , I may be censured , that nature thus gives way to loyalty , something fears me to think of … .
10 If Godard 's post-1968 films deliberately gave primacy to sounds over images , his earlier , less didactic films were themselves critiques of an image-centred politics , and in particular of the very political use of images in advertising .
11 The rapid growth of private charity in these years also gave rise to institutions demonstrating a variety of approaches to the palliation of poverty .
12 Ultimately the final culmination was the same : anarchy eventually gave place to patrician capitalism .
13 That said , the crew of the Enterprise still gives value for money as the reluctant honour guard to a Klingon delegation suing for peace .
14 Although the diet literature often gives information about animal sources of protein , there is surprisingly little about plant sources .
15 The orders therefore give effect without modification to their recommendations and I hope the house will approve them .
16 The cliffs soon give way to miles of long sandy beaches .
17 The army later gave permission for women , children under 18 and men over 60 to leave Sarajevo next week .
18 The same incident also gave rise to complaints by a number of members of the public in respect of the conduct of several police officers who had attended it .
19 A. V. Dicey , the prominent nineteenth-century jurist and by no means an extreme anti-feminist , considered that while distinctions of rights founded on sex often gave rise to injustice ‘ they have this in their favour — they rest upon a difference not created by social conventions or by human prejudice and selfishness , or by accidental circumstances … which split society into classes , but by the nature of things ’ .
20 Chemical weathering frequently gives rise to minerals which are less dense than their precursors .
21 Tabitha sat in the stern and watched the olive groves and sponge gardens on either bank swiftly give way to shipyards , silica refineries and air plants .
22 I read carefully all of the somewhat defensive Book Tokens publicity material but , like his reactionary letter , it did nothing to lessen my conviction that a gentle broadening of advertising emphasis from the safely converted — adults buying for children — to embrace the message that tokens also give pleasure to adults could only be beneficial .
23 Falling world fish catches , rainforest depletion , reduced energy efficiency , disappearing bird species and increasing global temperatures also give cause for concern .
24 Cajolings then give way to threats and threats to the big stick until , undernourished and overloaded , their faith sinks to the ground and expires .
25 The roaring , bellowing growls sometimes gave rise to screams of agony .
26 Fortune duly gave way to forfeit ; the cars were sold , the duck marsh was turned into a bird sanctuary and the only tigers left in Bharatpur are stuffed .
27 The citation order now gives precedence to processes , such as circulation control and cataloguing , rather than to types of libraries .
28 Steam power finally gave way to electricity by the mid-1950s and in 1977 , the mill was completely gutted and re-equipped with modern machinery , much of it made locally by Simon-Barron of Gloucester .
29 These inequalities inevitably give rise to resentment .
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