Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [v-ing] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Patten plan , detailed in a Government draft circular , risks further heightening confrontation with teachers already boycotting national curriculum tests .
2 Luke broke off without completing the shocked question , the appalled look in his eyes gradually giving way to contrition as he stared at her .
3 Though the island ( there are in fact several but all are now linked by causeways and bridges ) is only 600 miles off the South Carolina coast , it is thought by many of the tourists to be the genuine article — a part of England just spitting distance from Land 's End .
4 Combined with the number of companies already doing business in Japan , 71% of Scotland 's exporters either already trade with Japan or would actively like to do so .
5 God there was like a ra , I was on the computer today and there was like weeee really ringing sort of noise erm , I thought it was just you know , when you 're ears ring ?
6 It was a ‘ sad indictment ’ that some reporting accountants had evidently been issuing unqualified reports in circumstances subsequently giving rise to claims on the fund .
7 Er in the context of bulk transfers would you like to comment on the Good Committees conclusions on the bulk transfers of members between schemes and how they operate , and do you think that er there is widespread abuse or do you think er on balance your experience has been that where bulk transfers have taken place , they have taken place responsibly , but I would in that context ask you to comment whether there has been an unreasonable time delay where you have experienced bank bulk transfers between the transfer actually taking place in terms of employees being transferred from an undertaking to another undertaking and the actual transfer of their pension funds .
8 The research will examine the behaviour of government institutions directly providing finance for industry , such as the Japan Development Bank , as well as the interaction of government and private finance when both sources have been available to industry .
9 The sheer variety of current systems is phenomenal and it is a full time job just keeping pace with developments .
10 Narcotics are widely available in prison , with prison officials illegally selling heroin to inmates , sources say .
11 In this context , the material before the board indicated — ( 1 ) that investors were persuaded by company representatives employed by the Winchester Group to cancel their existing policies and to ‘ switch ’ to Norwich Union without their best interests and any disadvantages attendant upon so doing necessarily being considered ; ( 2 ) that other undesirable selling practices — for instance ‘ overselling ’ whereby investors are persuaded to take out a range of policies which they may not be able to afford in the long term — have been employed by company representatives selling on behalf of the Winchester Group ; ( 3 ) that the fact find forms completed by the Winchester Group for forwarding to Norwich Union were inadequate for the purposes of ensuring that products were only sold to investors on a ‘ best advice ’ basis ; ( 4 ) that the connections between Mr. Tee and Mr. Kissane ( a former director of the Winchester Group now awaiting trial on charges of theft of client moneys ) and also between the Winchester Group and Mr. Randhir Singh were such as to call into question the extent to which the controllers , directors and senior managers of the Winchester Group could be regarded as being of good character and competent or otherwise suitable to manage the marketing of investment contracts on behalf of Norwich Union and also whether the Winchester Group could be safely regarded as a fit and proper person for the purposes of enjoying appointed representative status ; ( 5 ) that policies had been sold by eight persons engaged by the Winchester Group who had not been appointed as company representatives of Norwich Union or in any other way authorised to sell investment contracts on behalf of Norwich Union and that other individuals who had been appointed as company representatives had not been registered as such with Lautro ; ( 6 ) that certain company representatives engaged by the Winchester Group appeared to be channelling client moneys through their own personal bank accounts .
12 Firstly , merit pay ; if it is the case that money is not the most important motivator then linking pay to performance , as with merit pay , is not likely to improve performance .
13 Only hours later fighting spread to Zagreb with an air force attack on a suburb and a television tower and fighting around besieged barracks .
14 Landlord and Tenant — Harassment — Residential occupier — Possession order against statutory tenant — Landlord forcibly ejecting tenant without execution of warrant of possession — Whether re-entry lawful — Whether tenant entitled to damages for unlawful eviction — Rent Act 1977 ( c. 42 ) , s. 2(1) ( a ) — Protection from Eviction Act 1977 ( c. 43 ) , s. 3 — Housing Act 1988 ( c. 50 ) , s. 27
15 It is always good practice to synchronise times with suppliers ' delivery schedules thus minimising time between order and delivery which also minimises stock holding requirement .
16 One such development currently taking place at Mitcham concerns an historical file to store personnel events for up to five years .
17 Is he aware that that situation will be compounded substantially by the fact that there are about 1,700 ex-service families currently inhabiting Ministry of Defence premises to which , strictly , they have no title ?
18 The mooring posts from the tanks and from the lower pounds were set alongside the lock flight , possibly the only parts of the lift still doing duty at Foxton .
19 The products presently undergoing re-development for Sun are Apscore 's 4GL and expert system-based solutions — financial , loans and insurance .
20 The war came first , though anti-Chinese sentiment flared up periodically as the numbers of Chinese engaged in British ports continued to rise to 8,182 in 1914 and 14,224 in 1915 , increased by the diversion to the west of ships normally operating east of Suez .
21 The French government on Aug. 19 ordered its naval commanders to apply sanctions " with firmness " ; France , however , had been among those Security Council members reportedly expressing concern on Aug. 13 over the prospect of individual members , rather than the Security Council , deciding to move to enforce a blockade .
22 The new realists took an unblinking look at the human effects of welfare economics and the emergent morality of a nation slowly quitting austerity for affluence ; the old romantics looked rather to recover a world of fine fabling like Spenser 's Faerie Queene or the Victorian children 's stories of George MacDonald .
23 Especially of interest was the fact that one of the two men clearly experiencing difficulty with section ( c ) on the examination paper , Howard Brown ( Morse wondered why his wife had n't been willing to cover for him ) , had filled in section ( e ) with the correct date of arrival , 27 October ; or , to be more precise about the matter , ‘ 2 October ’ .
24 It is being set up with more than £1 million over five years from British Biotechnology Ltd , one of a rare breed in Britain : a world-class biotechnology company successfully transferring technology from academia into the marketplace .
25 A statement released by Hassan on Jan. 22 , 1989 , describing as " provocative " a series of legal and administrative measures taken by Spain with regard to the status of the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla , was followed by the postponement of the imminent visit of the Spanish Foreign Minister , Francisco Fernandez Ordonez , to Morocco , the trip finally taking place on Feb. 3 .
27 I am in my third year now studying history of art .
28 Your article on crime in America ( December 22nd ) suggests that laws severely restricting access to firearms would somehow have the happy effect of bringing peace and tranquillity to the United States .
29 Boy-proof , Spruce thought , as he felt the solidity of the place about him ; the product of very different values from the ones currently holding sway in education .
30 The effectiveness of these centralized procedures is demonstrated in the management of the major programme of changes in curriculum and assessment currently taking place in Scotland .
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