Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [adv] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One example which springs to mind very powerfully at the moment is the notion of organisation charts and the ubiquitous phrase ‘ senior management team ’ .
2 Everyone places Wetherby very firmly at the hetero end of the spectrum .
3 Not entirely in line with the Waldegrave 's White Paper , the DTI has announced a shift towards exploiting existing technologies more fully at the expense of supporting new technologies .
4 So let us look a bit more closely at the markets before we go on to the fields .
5 Put the audience at their ease extremely well at the outset .
6 A TREBLE at the Axe Vale on Wednesday put Robert Alner 19–12 ahead of Philip Scholfield for the Daily Telegraph Men 's Championship and the Dorset rider could stretch his lead still further at the Portman this afternoon .
7 Sessions will take place both indoors at the centre and outdoors on the adjacent comprehensive school playing fields .
8 I come to town quite often at the weekends , when a lot of trouble is expected .
9 This change took place almost entirely at the expense of ‘ sole principal ’ practices .
10 Settle things like hours , holidays , pay day etc. right at the beginning if possible .
11 I do n't think Chris and the band know each other well enough at the time .
12 The First Division sees Clydebank and Airdrie still together at the top , with Dunfermline starting to make a charge , they 've climbed to fourth place .
13 The former provides an involvement in the parish almost wholly at the level of observation , normally in the company of the incumbent .
14 We can point to Milton being retained as an approved poet of high literary culture during the next century when other dissenting writing of Milton 's age circulated among groups increasingly only at the margins of political life .
15 Predictably , couples had sex most often at the weekends the favourite day being a Sunday .
16 Thus , for example , alphabetic writing , and still more , print , is said to privilege sight quite strikingly at the expense of the other senses , and the effects of this on the way we think and perceive reality — through a linear , mechanical , single-point-of-view consciousness — then have the cultural consequences described earlier .
17 But I think we do as a council , support that Sports Centre very well at the moment , which we did n't expect to be doing .
18 Accordingly , it is evident that a gift of such significance could have been of no small value to a freeholder or councillor who would otherwise have found difficulty in endowing a relative so generously at the commencement of his career .
19 And this is why as I ca n't remember if we mentioned it now , maybe did , maybe or someone else did , that the ego carries out repression very often at the demand of the superego , so the superego has its standards , its barriers , its sense of conscience , its threat of guilt , and the ego , to satisfy those demands , to avoid guilt , carries out repression at its , at its command , or at its insistence .
20 Things are not going so well over at Castlereagh Park either just at the moment with Ards manager Paul Malone possibly landing himself in trouble with the authorities .
21 Advance planning makes it possible to write the essay in sections and put the sections together only at the end — with the result that you do not have to write the sections in the order in which they will finally appear .
22 Generally , writers form letters more clearly at the start of words , so the effectiveness of the recogniser at the beginning of words was investigated .
23 On examining their find more closely at the pump-house , they found that the box was of stout construction and very old .
24 He felt a twinge of unease even now at the memory .
25 I do n't see my dad very often at the moment , unless I actually go up there .
26 SHARES in the kitchens and bathroom group Spring Ram once a favourite with City investors , were suspended on the stock market early yesterday at the company 's request pending an announcement about its forthcoming results .
27 A company launched on the stock market almost exactly at the top of the market in the summer of 1987 — and which has gone steadily down ever since , as the graph illustrates .
28 One man further down the street was a Somerset-born commercial traveller for a draper — very much like Benjamin 's father , Ben the Outrider — and Henry Budeler at no. 13a , assistant to a law stationer , had been born in Frome almost exactly at the time when Ben , senior , was leaving that town for London .
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