Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [prep] the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The simplest method would have been for a French submarine to wait for the Rainbow Warrior somewhere on the high seas and sink it with a torpedo but that posed the problem of what to do with any survivors .
2 It is easy to imagine how the early inhabitants of the Middle Fast , and in particular the ancient Egyptians , could have converted this African race into a domestic partner and there is little doubt that this is what occurred , with the more northerly European form being left out of the story altogether in the initial stages .
3 Take a holistic view of the business and manage operations effectively across the key functions ( e.g. Finance , Human Resources , Information Systems and Marketing )
4 The law of breach of confidence can supplement copyright and patent protection especially in the early stages when there is nothing tangible or substantial enough for copyright or patent to protect .
5 These jobs also enabled the mixed-race people to band together into tightly knit communities , where they could keep their existence constantly before the white masters whose earlier sexual peccadillos had brought them into being .
6 He regrets that ‘ language , which adapts itself for the most part only to the common uses of life , has provided us with no single-worded or immediate designation ’ for the impression .
7 This means that , effectively , there are clinics only in the larger cities .
8 Although in terms of quantity more pottery has survived , it is the combination of the quantity of coins together with the official inscriptions and designs they bear that have made them more precisely datable than any other common class of artefact .
9 This theory of scientific development has been contested ; others have pointed to more incremental patterns , or to cases especially in the social sciences where paradigms do not displace each other but simply accumulate as alternative perspectives .
10 This gives names of cities , towns , villages , rivers , lakes etc. in the British Isles with details of situations , populations and , in the case of large towns or cities , of government buildings .
11 William bounced down the stairs , a grinning schoolboy again , and he could hear other voices somewhere in the upper reaches .
12 It is , however , noticeable that Disraeli models his new feudalism less on the great houses than on the monasteries of the past .
13 Many Libyans especially in the smaller towns had been able to move out of the path of oncoming measures of social justice : many would not have been affected in any case ; some had no doubt been caught .
14 Thus , Aedes larvae reared on a diet deficient in tyrosine or the related phenylalanine together with the resulting pupae are unpigmented ( Golberg and De Meillon , 1948 ) .
15 Once constructed , the application of the classification schemes involves synthesis or the drawing together of the single concepts which are listed in the scheme from their different facets in order to specify compound subjects .
16 Other new routes coming into fruition have included the welding together of the trans-Pennine services between Leeds and Manchester with those starting back at Newcastle , Scarborough , Hull and the main line to Liverpool , with connections to Chester and North Wales .
17 Lunch was taken on the terrace alone beneath the warming rays of the April sunshine , and after that she continued her exploration of the house , amazed at the number of rooms that were apparently shut up and wondering why it was that a man like Marc Alexander Vila would choose to live alone in this enormous and obviously expensive mausoleum .
18 Thus while newspaper accounts and other sources ( including this one ) , often talk rather loosely about volcanic ‘ ashes ’ during an eruption , a vulcanologist properly restricts this term only to the smallest particles .
19 Engels argued that : ‘ Sex love and the relation of husband and wife is and can become the rule only among the oppressed classes , that is , at the present day , among the proletariat , no matter whether this relationship is officially sanctioned or not . ’
20 Thus , for example , a teacher working with the important English distinction between /i/ and /i : / might wright two columns of words on the board , such as : and then , as recognition drill , pronounce words randomly from the two columns , asking members of the class to identify the column from which each word is taken .
21 when they hit both legs together like the hind legs when they they 'll hit each other they 'll hit one hind leg
22 They are also starting to attract some of the best young talent away from the money-centre banks — and good brains allied to the skills of good management are almost as scarce as profits in America 's banking parlours these days .
23 In the simple type of quantification that we used , it is clear that we would need to quantify the long-vowel environments separately from the short-vowel ones , as the potential for variation is different in each case .
24 First there is a vibrating belt , which bounces the lightweight shells away from the heavier nuts .
25 But the room was warm , brightly lit and by no means uncomfortable so long as you kept your eyes away from the map-like stains on the rancid blue walls or the cigarette ends and other scraps on the floor .
26 Mercifully , these days , it 's easier to avoid costly mistakes by splashing out on a large bottle of something which is transformed into ‘ Eau de Old Socks ’ by your skin 's individual chemistry : if you ask politely in department stores , many perfume houses gladly hand out miniature sample vials of their wares , enabling you to make up your mind away from the high-pressure squirtings of over-zealous tester-bottle-wielders .
27 Equally , Thames & Hudson 's ‘ biography ’ of Keith Haring may have seemed a brave piece of publishing to the general bookseller but , supported by T-shirts , badges , posters and cards from te Neues , it pulled in customers who would not normally have stepped inside a Blackwell shop , thanks largely to the non-book items and the extraordinary point of sale from T&H .
28 In fact , it did much to disguise Sadat 's unpopularity at home and his break away from the other countries of the Middle East .
29 The book aims to chart the direction in which communication in the Philippines can ‘ break away from the lingering structures and controls of the past regime towards the democratic , just and humane future Filipinos yearn for . ’
30 We have therefore shown in the foregoing argument that the Voigt and Reuss estimates are upper and lower bounds respectively on the overall moduli of the composite , whatever its internal geometry may be .
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