Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To promote OTC products successfully through the high street chains nowadays , you have to have a substantial turnover ( £10–15m or so ) to be able to afford the TV advertising .
2 The simplest method would have been for a French submarine to wait for the Rainbow Warrior somewhere on the high seas and sink it with a torpedo but that posed the problem of what to do with any survivors .
3 This was no kind of place to be caught reading in : a macho gay bar in a five-fathom basement somewhere beneath the charred East Twenties .
4 Hold the tape measure loosely round the pulled back curtain and hold back against the hook .
5 It is easy to imagine how the early inhabitants of the Middle Fast , and in particular the ancient Egyptians , could have converted this African race into a domestic partner and there is little doubt that this is what occurred , with the more northerly European form being left out of the story altogether in the initial stages .
6 They are very tolerant about boys ' mess in the home and untidiness generally , and in a sense they lay the foundations right from the very beginning of boys growing up to think of women as kind of household servants — this attitude , you know , boys will be boys and they make a mess and poor mum has to do all the washing .
7 Let's see if England can win four Triple Crowns in a row and win six Five Nations titles outright in the next decade .
8 Well they 're taking all the power lines down in the village , or down through that part of the village which , fair enough , gets rid of the eyesore but they 're gon na put now a bloody big transformer , abou thing about seven , eight foot bloody tall in , in the field right on the Copper Dollar
9 Sighing , she swivelled round , looking at the cabin properly for the first time .
10 It handles all products right through the whole chain from hydrogen cyanide to ‘ Perspex ’ and ‘ Diakon ’ plastics and newer added-value materials such as ‘ Asterite ’ and ‘ Avron ’ .
11 Ben clenched his teeth then pulled hard on the right-hand oar , turning the prow slowly towards the distant house , the dark , slick-edged blade biting deep into the glaucous , muscular flow as he hauled the boat about in a tight arc .
12 Creative and productive thinking was taking place in many authorities right across the political spectrum , while the relationship between councillors , officials and the public was changing .
13 Take a holistic view of the business and manage operations effectively across the key functions ( e.g. Finance , Human Resources , Information Systems and Marketing )
14 There must be a song about a guy named Colin somewhere in the great existence of music .
15 Bob Champion had been advised by Fred Winter , who had twice ridden the winner of the Grand National , to take a pull halfway to the first fence in order to prevent his mount from rushing at it .
16 These US estimates tend to emphasize direct rather than opportunity costs , partly reflecting the lower level of welfare support especially for the higher education of children .
17 Despite the horrors he 'd seen , and the fierceness of his revulsion , some small part of him retained the fascination that had drawn him , Godolphin and their fellow experimenters together in the first place .
18 The associative theory , on the other hand , predicts an advantage only on the first task , the associations being of no help , or perhaps even hindering , when symbols having a common associate require different responses .
19 But the country was quite aware of the benefits of home production , and Parliament together with the indefatigable Elizabeth became desirous to " … that benefit State might reap by making Copper in her Realm therebye to be provided of a Competent Store for her necessary without being beholden to forragne Princes her Neighbours … "
20 Is the Minister aware that when the Unionist party governed Northern Ireland it concentrated heavily on developing the roads only in the eastern part of Northern Ireland ?
21 Example 2:9 Right of way : limited times The right in common with the landlord and all others having the like right at all times between 8.30 am and 6.30 pm on weekdays and between 8.30 am and 1.30 pm on Saturdays ( but not on public holidays ) to pass and repass on foot only through the main entrance to the building of which the demised property forms part and over the stairs and corridors leading therefrom to the demised property ( c ) Lifts A right to use a lift may be implied in the case of a letting on , say , the tenth floor of a block ( Liverpool City Council v Irwin [ 1977 ] AC 239 ) or where it would be inconvenient and uneconomic for the tenant to use the stairs ( Dikstein v Kanevsky [ 1947 ] VLR 216 ) .
22 At Calvary is found full cleansing for ever through faith alone in the finished work of Christ on the cross .
23 In a memorandum in that month of crisis the Ministry of Defence apparently for the first time addressed the issue of the foreign exchange costs of existing policy , in response to the claim by the Chancellor of the Exchequer at the end of July that Britain 's overseas military expenditure was running at £140 million p.a .
24 The reason for being aware of sexism in language is that it biases experience constantly towards the male sex and gives little or no prominence to the role of women in society .
25 And — oh , she also wanted — no , desired — to stroke his smiling face , to run the tips of her fingers gently along the dreadful scar to show that she loved every part of him , to …
26 But so long as English law refuses to recognise that parent companies are under a legal as well as a moral obligation to meet the debts of their subsidiaries the group accounts are largely irrelevant so far as creditors are concerned since they normally have resort only against the individual company with which they have dealt .
27 Think , instead , of a large population in which there is not much movement , so that individuals tend to resemble their immediate neighbours more than their more distant neighbours , even though there is continuous interbreeding all over the whole area .
28 Ten minutes deeper into the beige-carpeted maze brings me to nothing .
29 Since the EEC first voted against the imports , in December , West Germany has decided to impose a ban regardless of the final vote .
30 Students on the part-time course will work from home , visiting Middlesbrough only for the final examination .
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