Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [adv] for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps they had been in the Rorim long enough for the animals to become used to each other .
2 There has been no credible claim of responsibility so far for the blasts , many of which were caused by car bombs not previously used in India .
3 It is no longer possible to either create a toner particle small enough to stick to a single pixel of charge or to maintain that pixel of charge in isolation long enough for the toner , were it there , to stick .
4 But he was still covering the door and-to move his seat apparently just for the sake of moving would seem suspicious — and it occurred to him that Washington DC would be full of people who knew the surveillance trade that tonight a lot of people would be running genuine surveillances .
5 The 2 friends took up the tandem around 5 months ago especially for the race .
6 Erm thanks very much for the directions er you gave me , it 's quite awkward coming off the main road there cos you really have
7 and er , which we finished , and I would really just like to say that erm , thanks very much for the cooperation that we received from the offices generally across the authority .
8 Okay , thanks very much for the call and raising the question
9 Thanks very much for the diagnosis , Doc , ’ Rory returned wryly .
10 Thanks very much for the lift , ’ said he .
11 Alan got a message for you all the stewards and secretaries within Pilkingtons and also the A E U , M S F and the T & G thanks very much for the initiative you 've in getting us all together and the initiative you 've took in getting us part of the European set-up company Pilkingtons , at this present time are very negative .
12 If I was to describe the symptoms that would limit the songs too specifically for the listener . ’
13 And that is that in the projections of housing requirements for the City of York , not Greater York but the City of York , the County Council have a figure of four thousand four hundred households extra , but propose a provision of only three thousand three hundred dwellings extra , that 's purely within York , and the question really therefore for the County Council is I had thought that their dwelling requirements , that their , sorry their their policy H One figure for York was what they thought the requirements were , but maybe it 's what they think the limited capacity is , and they are foreseeing an overspill of thousand odd from the city of York into Greater York .
14 Another giant leap forward here for the Safrane , which feels as well put together as any Granada and puts the R25 's build quality to shame .
15 So , I gather that Jeffrey would like to say a word or two , and at this stage , and if he would he would be welcome to do so , meanwhile er , as I 've said , I hope you will join me in wishing er , the Bishop god speed , and in wishing Jeffrey very well for the future .
16 My hon. Friend has set out his concerns very clearly for the House , and set out in detail how this case was handled by British Rail .
17 In the following chapter , we shall examine this interaction more closely for the period during which the foundations of modern science were laid .
18 Byrne 's intention was to gather the group together firstly for the burial of Hector , who was their scapegoat , and then five years later for the funeral of Phil 's mother .
19 Not really that many there were maybe the the holiday trip to Kirkwall maybe just for the day into Kirkwall .
20 She said that all MPs must take advice on personal security very seriously for the sake of themselves and their families ; Gow 's name had been found on an IRA death list discovered in a south London flat in December 1988 .
21 This is by far the best evidence so far for the existence of a large amount of some sort of dark matter .
22 In an effort to save face , he adopted a casual attitude hoping that his staff would think that he actually meant to keep his hat on all day long just for the heck of it , like gangsters do in the films .
23 There was cleaks there was er cleaks in er in Most of the kitchens had rafters , a lot of them , and there was cleaks just specially for the hanging the pigs and the er the hams of the And then you left them until they were fairly dry , and then you had to cover them well and truly with a for all summer , because the fly would go for them , if the were n't properly salted and dry .
24 What makes things harder still for the Morleys is the fact they still do n't seem any nearer receiving compensation .
25 It seemed downright immoral to torment the poor woman with questions now just for the sake of proving the Jaguar 's brakes were faulty or Fanshawe driving over the seventy limit .
26 The objective of the RFX experiment , a collaborative project between Italy and Britain that is to be built in Italy at Padua , is to find out directly whether the RFP can confine high-temperature plasma well enough for the configuration to form the basis of a reactor .
27 There may well be problems ahead both for the pupil and for the school if the child 's family are not in agreement with the professionals ' decisions about the educational placement proposed .
28 He failed to do all he could for the Jews and socialised with the Nazis too easily for the Poles ' liking .
29 The long blades clashed and rang , their movement too fast for the eye to follow with certainty .
30 ’ We commended Mr Canning very highly for the work that he 's done on that particular churchyard . ’
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