Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [adv] [subord] [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Erm do you believe if , if we erm oh I think we 've already covered that bit right so if I put erm come up with a erm a recommendation that would provide erm an income for your wife in the event of your death erm is there any reason why we ca n't look at this ?
2 Independent soft-commission brokers regard it as an acceptable method of payment so long as they deal at the best price .
3 Jesus challenged the Jews of his day with a searching question : ‘ How can you have faith so long as you receive honour from one another , and care nothing for the honour that comes from him who alone is God ? ’
4 You can avoid any foods you do not like and replace them with others from these lists so long as you do not exceed your daily calorie allowance .
5 Molly , Edith ( Harlow ) and I were talking about the Medauring in Germany started by Sofie Trappe , and I said we ought to form a group in England — Molly 's reaction was ‘ that 's fine Andy so long as I have nothing to do with the organisation ’ … so that year we formed the Studio Club .
6 In fact , you can choose any level of regular or monthly savings so long as they do n't exceed the maximum savings allowed .
7 So it 's two pound anyway so if you 've got four quid spare between us .
8 With pots you can change the effect as often as you like .
9 In everyday speech , we do not pronounce words as clearly as we do when we are asked to say them in isolation .
10 ‘ Chest pain , sudden onset as far as I know , collapse — she 's now arrhythmic , possibly fibrillating . ’
11 Well , I ca n't promise that if you leave I 'll be as generous as he was ; I 'll continue your allowance certainly , but as for a house , no ; for as you are well aware , because you know the books as well as I do , it takes us all our time , even with my salary , to continue living here as we have done of yore .
12 He never had any long-term physical relationships as far as I know .
13 Go to the lavatory as often as you need to , do n't try to ‘ hold it in ’ .
14 I 'm in the dark here obviously because I have n't I have n't had access to this particular case .
15 it do n't feel like Friday today probably cos I 've had a day off
16 McGilligan 's views will meet with general approval and reflect the mood in the Derry camp just now as they prepare to meet Dublin on Sunday week .
17 Certainly we should n't re-issue anything until after the next meeting but erm , having the procedures we have finished with so far , in their latest form probably helpful , even if it 's only you whose has the master copy Simon right so when we need some reference , we have got that chapter and verse .
18 You can write single line , multi statement functions so long as you have a colon after the definition statement .
19 This is regarded as a Good Thing by Orcs who are universally content with their lot , being ultimately happy to meet their end in battle so long as they get a chance of a good fight .
20 Disseminators of " indecent " material which lacks the potency to corrupt are generally within the law so long as they do not despatch it by post , or seek to import it from overseas , or flaunt it openly in public places .
21 The , the bright city lights that 's not what makes people uproot their , uproot their lives and go and move somewhere else , they are after economic betterment and that 's the driving force er behind migration so just before we leave the non economic factors what might they be ?
22 He believed as Lionel Curtis did that Indians ' souls had to be renovated before they were fit to govern : he deeply shocked the American journalist William Shirer by announcing that ‘ Self-government … is inconceivable and unattainable without the removal of untouchability , as it also is without Hindu-Moslem unity … we shall be unfit to gain independence so long as we keep in bondage a fifth of the population of Hindustan . ’
23 Brittle bones is a condition that affects all older people to some degree , but post-menopausal women in particular ; and it is the reason why they break their bones so easily if they fall .
24 But it 's no bad thing — we should take the two way traffic of actors and directors more seriously than we do .
25 We shall discuss this issue further below after we have examined the nature of the ECJ 's reasoning .
26 ‘ It 's just as well you remember your lines more accurately than you remember people 's names , ’ he cut in drily .
27 If you just stand around waiting for the enemy to come to you then of course your ladz will get bored , and naturally they 'll start to get a bit fractious , then inevitably they 'll end up failing an Animosity test probably just when you do n't want them to .
28 You must think yourselves lucky to be able to go to Thrush Green as often as you do . ’
29 Is it that they do not exert themselves enough ( we know that the English work as quickly as they work well ) ?
30 The BBC believe that no one does sport as well as they do — and they may be right .
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