Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The election of a successor eventually took place in February 1752 , when two candidates presented themselves , the Rev. William Jackson and the Rev. John Chorley Knowles .
2 Medical opinion is still divided on whether alcoholism is a disease , possibly inherited , or whether an alcoholic only lacks will-power in order to stop drinking .
3 Newman especially had faith in Whitaker as the ideal weaver of Doctor Who stories .
4 Melanie merely lost interest in marriage to a busy consultant .
5 The majority held that , whilst an honest but unreasonable mistake would negative liability , such a defence should be put to the jury only where the defendant expressly asserted belief in consent and where there was some evidence beyond his mere assertion .
6 Like phonemes themselves , words only have significance in relation to other words and as part of a total system of classification .
7 As they are practised in the modern world , high-level teaching and research only make sense in institutions .
8 In Eastern Canada , Scottish first division tourists Jed-Forest quickly found rugby in Ontario is not to be taken lightly .
9 The Finnish study also demonstrated linkage in families said to have clinical MS .
10 Ceauşescu knew that greed and gullibility often went hand in hand .
11 In life , she was discovering , gain and loss frequently went hand in hand .
12 Synthetic drugs such as quinacrine and chloroquine , were developed to replace natural quinine but some strains of malaria are found to be resistant and doctors are using quinine again to treat malaria in Vietnam , fortunately , trees grow well in Java which is now the main global source .
13 Soviet commanders already have Foxhound in service , and another two types of fighter with similar abilities will soon follow .
14 So killed virus is ineffective as a vaccine and live viruses merely causes disease in humans .
15 Combined with the number of companies already doing business in Japan , 71% of Scotland 's exporters either already trade with Japan or would actively like to do so .
16 It might also be argued that despite recent legislation ( some would say because of it ) parent-teacher relations are still too often fraught with fear , suspicion and misunderstanding ; that there is still too much teacher stereotyping of ‘ good ’ and ‘ bad ’ homes and parents ; and that many parents still lack power in relation to their parental rights and responsibilities .
17 The Act also requires disclosure in connection with the balance sheet of movements in share capital , debentures , fixed assets , reserves , provisions for contingent liabilities , and capital commitments .
18 EM effects internally generated act in turn upon external environmental fields .
19 Several African countries actually export food in exchange for arms .
20 Er in the context of bulk transfers would you like to comment on the Good Committees conclusions on the bulk transfers of members between schemes and how they operate , and do you think that er there is widespread abuse or do you think er on balance your experience has been that where bulk transfers have taken place , they have taken place responsibly , but I would in that context ask you to comment whether there has been an unreasonable time delay where you have experienced bank bulk transfers between the transfer actually taking place in terms of employees being transferred from an undertaking to another undertaking and the actual transfer of their pension funds .
21 If then the seller duly makes delivery in accordance with the contract , the buyer must accept it .
22 Labourism successfully established hegemony in West Ham during the immediate postwar period .
23 According to Mr Hurd , an EC ruling on the colour and curve of the cucumber presumably to avoid discord in Europe 's salad bowl is a fact and falls in the category of a Euro-lunacy .
24 After the abortive attempt to meet in Malawi in June [ see p. 37561 ] , the first direct talks between the Frelimo government and the MNR rebels aimed at ending the 15-year civil war finally took place in Rome on July 8-10 .
25 It is also worth noting that Corbridge was the site of what must be one of the earliest archaeological excavations ever to take place in Britain , directed by King John in 1201 when he was seeking treasure .
26 This was impossible , Engels tells us , so long as descent was reckoned in the female line , because he believed inheritance and group membership always went hand in hand .
27 The rebels also secured support in London from opponents of the court party .
28 Demonstrations against the poll tax also took place in Manchester and those events were continuously reported on the local radio stations to which prisoners habitually listen .
29 With the points gained from round 1 , Oates now holds second in class and looks forward to round 3 at Silverstone on April 4th and 5th , supporting British Touring Cars .
30 The festival now takes place in July at the Grand Theatre , the famous City Varieties , Leeds Playhouse , Leeds Civic Theatre , and three of the local authority 's community theatres .
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