Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He looked covertly across the table at her , at the vital face , the dark eyes , the generous , amused mouth , the blue-black hair loosely knotted on to the crown of her head , so that curls and tendrils clung around the perfect oval of her face .
2 Cecilia eventually hit out against the home 's petty rules and forced the social workers to come up with an alternative .
3 Snow rarely fell hard during the day .
4 When the First Duma met in April 1906 it was dominated by Kadets , led by P. N. Miliukov , and peasant deputies loosely bound together in the Trudovik ( Labour ) Group .
5 If the tax is not based on where people live , how will the money eventually end up with the local authority in which they live ?
6 A second application of this technique only leads back to the original solution , apart from an arbitrary complex constant .
7 Tory asked suddenly , pointing down to a strand of granite pebbles by which a group of bright blooms apparently sprouted out of the shallow water .
8 Paul was singing to himself and asking questions of the type children tend to , such as why were n't the birds all blown away during the storm , and why did n't the sea fill up with water with the stream going so hard ?
9 An hour , and an hour perhaps to get back into the town — still plenty of time , as she had judged it , to catch the ten-forty-five for Bleasham .
10 A rough scramble alongside leads up into the upper reaches of the beck ; here is an untidy tumble of boulders fallen from the enclosing heights but there is one gem where , just above the waterfall , the stream slides smoothly over an immense slab of naked limestone .
11 While it is true that the terms of the debate are often unclear , and while confusing signs constantly come even from the Euro-enthusiasts ( such as when the French Foreign Minister called for ‘ une fédération d'Etats souverains ’ the overwhelming evidence indicates that the prime movers in European union mean business .
12 Instead of being nearly square uprights they have a length almost half as great again as their height , which is nearly two feet ; the triglyphs apparently stood only over the columns , not between .
13 Patients were then treated with 120 mg tripotassium dicitratobismuthate ( DeNol , Brocades , Weybridge , Surrey , UK ) four times daily for one month , 400 mg metronidazole three times daily , and 500 mg tetracycline four times daily taken concurrently for the first two weeks of treatment .
14 Every now and then I can see it all so clearly ; a nice log fire and a little round table with a tablecloth , and hot toast with great slabs of butter , and crumpets with honey all oozing out of the little holes , and a china cup with steaming tea — ’
15 At first he refused to answer , then realised that no assassin would make such a noise so went down to the door and called out : ‘ Who 's there ? ’
16 When the adventurers are halfway across the room four foul , mutated forms suddenly spring up from the corpses and attack .
17 Her lovely fingers merely hovered momentarily over the sugar-coated biscuits arranged on a china plate with tiny pink flowers and a fluted edge .
18 Waves burst over the cockpit into the saloon only to pour out through the manhole each time the bridge-deck broke free for a moment .
19 To achieve this we shall be drawing upon the products of archaeologists ' research mostly carried out during the present century .
20 The car hummed nearer as the view to one side slowly opened up through the dunes to reveal the shining beach and blue-green ocean .
21 The car eventually pulled away from the kerb and drove after the F40 .
22 However , looking more closely at Fig. 6.5b , we see that in the cases and there is no chance that there are any trajectories which remain forever within the region of interest except for the homoclinic orbit itself at r = r* ; for all other trajectories the modulus of the a-coordinate increases on each pass through the top of B and so all trajectories eventually wander out of the region of validity of our analysis ( and , in fact , spiral into C1 or C2 ) .
23 While Hazel gazed , the wind slowly veered round into the west , as Cowslip had said it would , and brought the rain driving into the mouth of the hole .
24 Its satisfactions are of their own kind , though they are satisfactions intimately bound up with the life of each individual reader , and therefore not without their bearing on his attitude to life .
25 The explanation is relatively straightforward ; the glucose slowly diffuses out of the capillary into the surrounding liquid , creating a gradient of sugar concentration .
26 iii ) A system that will make possible the integration of economic , social and environmental data thereby adding greatly to the value of each component data element .
27 Clear perspex sheet behind the terraces prevents gravel eventually seeping out between the bricks .
28 The trapdoor in the floor is intact and a set of stone steps below lead down to the basement , location 3a .
29 Histamine secretion alone differed significantly among the groups .
30 Across the road a large grey car suddenly pulled out of the Downshurst-bound traffic and stopped on the grass verge beyond the estate-car and the police busy with tape-measures and notebooks .
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