Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] can [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Of course I can easily perceive when you have been obliged to form your ideas from stuffed specimens .
2 In other words , I mean I 'm retired and I mean the point is that my erm experience goes back into the er into the dark ages I can almost say because in these days , you probably realise , I mean if anybody buys a video you do n't ask you do n't look for the book of instructions you ask about a five year old kiddy how to programme it !
3 If one regards the benefit in this light I can not see that the cost incurred in , or in connection with , the provision of the benefit , can properly be held to include the cost incurred , in any event , in providing education to fee paying pupils at the school who were there as a right in return for the fees paid in respect of them .
4 Somehow we then got on to the theme of French poetry , and Eliot expressed surprise at one of Herbert Read 's recent pronouncements on Laforgue and another nineteenth-century poet I can not recall and about whom at the time I knew too little to be able to arrive at an opinion .
5 By her next words to Dame Sirith all she says of her feelings towards Wilekin is : ( " Unless you bring me Wilekin I can never laugh nor sing nor be glad . " )
6 Yes it has , and as my mind races back over nearly four decades I can not help but smile , how is it possible that everything has changed so much ?
7 At type II promoters we can only conclude that the precise nature of the interactions between CRP and the truncated and wild-type polymerases , and their role in the activation mechanism , remain to be determined but that the C-terminal part of the α-subunit of RNA polymerase is not involved in this process .
8 But he has brought with him the Furies who appear at key moments of the action — the spectral creatures whose gaze he can not endure but whose presence he understands , since he believes he has murdered his wife .
9 Mrs Thatcher should do either as the Mail demands and replace Mr Lawson with a Chancellor of whose policies she can wholeheartedly approve or , as Mr Heseltine urges , lift her veto against the only course which could give credibility to an exchange rate policy .
10 Yes well of course you can only assume that what he says is correct .
11 As for Vivian ( Lord ) Bowden I can only report that he once offered me a job in what was to become UMIST and was particularly accommodating when I asked for time to think about it .
12 At the back is a list of names and addresses of conservation organisations you can either join or write to for more information .
13 You can try burning paper and wood in the grate , and from its appearance you can usually tell whether the fireplace is in general use or not .
14 If officers have reasonable suspicion they can still board and search and arrest .
15 Even if someone else comes up to us and tips us off about a possible shoplifter we can only act if we see the person steal again , ’ she adds .
16 … those countries which I could not visit in my proper person , I have so attentively read about , that as I turn round a globe I can almost fancy that I know the appearance and characters of the portions of the great world itself which lie mapped out under my eye , and observe all that is going forward on its surface .
17 Without such concepts I can not see that human infants could acquire a language ’ ( 1982 : 47 ) .
18 Because of the changing moon I can now see that she is completely naked .
19 On the basis of our stated principles we can therefore say that unc and unc are both real properties of the proton B. However quantum mechanics does not permit them to enjoy this status simultaneously , since they correspond to operators which do not commute with each other ( p. 28 ) .
20 At Macmillan College we select only because we are overwhelmed by applications and by selection we can thus ensure that we do have a fully comprehensive intake drawn from all parts of our catchment area .
21 If we put a gentle shearing force upon the crystal as a whole we can easily apply that little extra strain needed to break the whole line of sorely stretched bonds but we find ( Figure 5b ) that we have merely reformed the whole arrangement one atomic spacing further on .
22 In the absence of more detailed evidence we can only speculate whether the more vocationally , or instrumentally , motivated applicants are , the less willing they will be to consider other , alternative courses and institutions if they do not get on to the course they wanted .
23 There are certain things we can not do but there are certain things we can .
24 The most efficient way of loading R&D resources is to place the proposals in order of priority and then to allocate to them , in that order , all the resources they can usefully employ until all allocated resources are committed .
25 The most efficient way of loading R&D resources is to place the proposals in order of priority and then to allocate to them , in that order , all the resources they can usefully employ until all allocated resources are committed .
26 Partial offers are not very common in the UK because where the offer is for 30 per cent or more of the voting rights it can only succeed if shareholders holding over 50 per cent of the voting rights of the target company ( excluding those held by the offeror and its concert parties ) vote in favour of the offer ( Rule 36.5 ) .
27 At one extreme it can mean a particular , rigidly constrained , language dependent structure , while at the other it can simply mean that subroutines or procedures are used .
28 Well having had chance to peruse the weekend papers and read the various match reports on the game I can only say that the season better end quickly so we can get the scum worshipping out of the way as quickly as possible .
29 Well having had chance to peruse the weekend papers and read the various match reports on the game I can only say that the season better end quickly so we can get the scum worshipping out of the way as quickly as possible .
30 But perhaps when you 're lying down on the floor and tied up by little people you can hardly see and do n't believe in , that 's not the best time to start communicating .
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