Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] was [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I had lunch and then sat on the wheelbarrow swatting flies , neither willing to go further out of my way , nor to return , just in case I was on the right track .
2 For a change I was in the right place at the right time and got a job , with housing , at the Folger Theatre in Washington DC .
3 ‘ Of course I was on the same squadron as him for a time . ’
4 And for a period of centuries it was under the joint rule of Bern and Fribourg .
5 An etymologist he was to the bitter end .
6 I have a watertight cover for all those years I was with the Black June .
7 She was n't a pretty woman , but to Erlich 's eye she was about the best there could be .
8 But at the conference it was for the first time agreed to allow the constituency parties to elect their own separate representatives to the National Executive , and this at once led to the appearance in this category of Sir Stafford Cripps , Professor Harold Laski and D. N. Pritt — all advocates of close collaboration with the Communist Party , and Pritt indistinguishable from an actual card-carrying member .
9 At that lunch in the Oxford and Cambridge he was in the sombre mood that had descended on him with the signing of the Munich Agreement .
10 Although he was only eighteen months older than Carrie he was in the top class and sometimes he was taught on his own by Mr Morgan , the Minister , because he was cleverer than even the most senior boys .
11 I found them , and in a minute I was in the first room , where Bersonin and Detchard were .
12 I 've said more'n once to Bessie Beavis what a credit you was to the human race . ’
13 He had a point or two to make about the present regime but if there was a hint of criticism it was of the gentlest sort .
14 One night he was at the old Blackfriars Ring .
15 Lassa Java pushed him early on … what a night it was for the Meek family from the Forest of Dean as they watched their dogs dominate …
16 This morning she was on the farther side of the gates raking the gravel into a pattern exact as a piece of embroidery , when Nicandra came tittupping along , her hat hanging by its elastic on the back of her head .
17 Oh I think an electric drill it was in the sixties so with the twenty five pounds off it brought it down a bit and I , I paid for it with one cheque so I was n't having it on the weekly er er it worked out I think Vicki gave some of it towards it .
18 In the early morning they had got drenched in the grass that waved up to his small son 's back , and when the sun struck the dew it was like the silent explosion of a crystal bowl .
19 I should add here that even as a junior at Halton I was in the senior cross-country team — which only people in their very last year were normally eligible to join and at this stage I was in my first year of three , I was allowed to go out on any occasion , in running gear , to train as I was a bona fide member of the team and so on one of these occasions when I was out training — I always wore a sort of towel around my neck which looked very professional at the time and quite unnecessary — I managed to conceal the altimeter , which had become very very hot property by this time because it was known that several instruments were missing and we could have a visit from the gendarme .
20 A radically new urban experience was presented : whereas in the nineteenth century the major urban change was in the formation of tight-knit , high-density conurbations , and between the wars it was in the first flowering of low-density peripheral suburbanization , the second half of the twentieth century has seen metropolitanization as the essential phenomenon .
21 ‘ the transfer on its face was a perfectly regular sale and as against third parties taking a legal estate for value and in good faith it was within the ostensible authority of Mrs. Steed and can not now be repudiated against such third parties .
22 Of the remaining three , George Canning , the future prime minister , was only briefly ambassador in Lisbon in 1814 – 15 , when his political career at home was at a low ebb ; and the two others , Robert Liston and Stratford Canning , represented Britain in Constantinople , a very important post but one in which high social rank was not the advantage it was in the other great capitals .
23 Ca n't tell you how long a journey it was back in the fog from Liverpool that day , and then when we were relegated back again to the third division it was on the last match of the season against Charlton , and the heavens opened and a big thunder storm and it just flooded the pitch and the referee just called the match off and they had to play it again the following Friday and Charlton ran out two-one winners and Walsall finished with nine fit men and still that 's the football I suppose .
24 In such cases it was to the obvious advantage of the farmer to build himself a new farmstead in the middle of his lands .
25 Er our understanding is that er our colleagues the other side of the table wish to reduce the number of consumer households from the level it was at the nineteen ninety one census , which is the figure here , three one seven to zero .
26 Nevertheless , he greeted the Revolution with relief : in the Convention Parliament he was among the first to support William 's coup , although he saw it as crucial to take the opportunity to make England 's liberties more secure .
27 Within an hour he was at the northern boundary of the Waste .
28 At fourteen hands she was on the small side for polo , with a lovely intelligent head , wide-apart dark eyes , clean legs and a smooth , effortless stride .
29 Head full of academic knowledge but nothing else — and before anybody could bat an eyelid , he applied to sit an exam in London , and the next thing he was in the Metropolitan Police .
30 She smiled and loosened , and to Carson it was like the warm sun falling on his skin .
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