Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] had been [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 For months they had been trying with divets and tackle to hoist the appropriate two-ton stone upright and into its hole .
2 In desperation , the previous week , he had ordered the children to select a favourite passage from books he had been reading with them , write it out in their best handwriting and then add some comments on what they enjoyed about the piece and about the book in general .
3 Slowly , he put down the silver pen he had been toying with and stood up , walking to her at the windows .
4 During the last minutes she had been talking with extreme rapidity in a light high voice .
5 With a gloomy wantonness of imagination I had been coquetting with the hideous possibles of disappointment .
6 Four days ago in a similar quiet period she had been gossiping with her uncle , listening to his barbed comments on affairs , on the art world , and on his family .
7 Abie Klugman had long grown used to the taunt — it was Aronson 's stock joke for all of the ten years they had been lodging with Mrs Neumann , and he no longer minded it .
8 On that occasion he had been treated with a degree of courtesy not far short of deference and he had subconsciously expected the same of his interview with Chief Inspector Golding .
9 The day after the ambulance took Ma away , the rotary drier vanished ; on the Sunday it had been loaded with sheets ( I had taken them down myself .
10 It felt like abandoning all the people we had been working with , whom we had been encouraging to organize and demand their rights .
11 True , at the start he had been filled with remorse .
12 Only now did they realise how enormous a man he was , for when fighting with his staff he had been crouched with head forward and shoulders bent .
13 ‘ Before the student demonstrations I had been working with a group of Latin American intellectuals in Paris , helping bring out a magazine .
14 Matilda took the knife she had been eating with , and all four of them crept towards the dining-room door , the father keeping well behind the others .
15 Tony had been unemployed for 9 months , after the roofing firm he had been working with for a year had gone into liquidation .
16 Not only that , but in the place of real scientists he had been lumbered with a no-hoper and a child .
17 The drawings were in a new style he had been experimenting with recently , and now , he felt , he had got it just right .
18 In Parliament he had been associated with a party which was out of favour with the King , and as Public Orator he had lauded the policy of peace when Charles , then Prince of Wales , was determined to make war on Spain .
19 In their minds it had been prefaced with romantic dialogue and protestations of love .
20 Then Candy brought forward a witness who assured police he had been drinking with the prisoner in the Star , another central Reading public house , at the time of the murder .
21 He was surprised , since for all Boy 's nights out , during which , as the man correctly assumed , Boy had sex with many different men , he never received visits , calls or letters from the men he had been sleeping with .
22 And already in similiar circumstances in France last summer he had been presented with the kind of opportunity to prove himself that many young pianists must dream of in vain : he was called on , again at very short notice , to stand in for the even more illustrious Sviatoslav Richter at Richter 's own festival at the Grange Meslay near Tours .
23 In the early third century it had been rebuilt with a new wall inside its robbed-out predecessor .
24 Walking slowly through autumn streets he had been wrestling with the ways in which it appeared to him that Coleridge had made use of a now little known book , Ridley 's Tales of the Genii .
25 Whoever expected the little grey devils I had been assaulting with white arrows and rolling with white healing balls to reappear in my lung ?
26 I wanted to join in , but I was only two and a half , and this was the first time I had been left with people I did n't know .
27 At her husband 's death she had been left with four children under the age of five .
28 Not this breathtaking house , nor its even more breathtaking surroundings , and certainly not the warm , welcoming atmosphere she had been met with .
29 All that was in essence known to HQ 5 Corps was that the greater number of these people were " Cossacks " or " Russians " making up various units who had found themselves in Austria because to a greater or lesser extent they had been associated with the Germans , and had surrendered to the British in the hope that they might thus avoid falling into the hands of the Communists .
30 From time to time he had been linked with Princess Stephanie of Monaco , Brigitte Nielson , Oliver North 's former secretary Fawn Hall , model Linda Buchanan and Brooke Shields .
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