Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] be give a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This was discussed with Mr Brown and as a result he was given a variable height bed which could be kept low to enable him to get in and out easily .
2 For my birthday in February I was given a good quality ‘ used ’ rowing boat .
3 As a boy I was given a little patch of our garden to cultivate .
4 As a child I was given a grey plastic gun as a birthday present .
5 After lunch they were given a detailed demonstration of how the Direct Banking system works and were so impressed that both accepted an invitation to join the service .
6 In July he was given an Irish peerage as Viscount Fitzhardinge , and would have received an English title had the king not been conscious of hostility to his courtiers in the English House of Commons .
7 On arrival at Hillsborough she was given a boisterous welcome by 150 children given time off school to greet her .
8 On the second offence I was given a suspended sentence .
9 A man has made medical history by having four organ transplants.In two operations he was given a new heart , two lungs and a kidney.It was the first time in Europe so many organs had been replaced successfully.Richard Barnett reports :
10 Although this kind of shift was common to many local Labour Parties , and has been characterized as the rise of the ‘ new urban left ’ ( Gyford , 1985b ) , in Sheffield it was given a particular twist by the nature of the local economy and society .
11 Once we had all got into our canoes we were given a quick talk on safety procedure , capsize drill and what to do if you get into trouble .
12 When the disk is found to be free from a virus infection it is given an electronic signature code .
13 When the disk is found to be free from a virus infection it is given an electronic signature code .
14 Last year I was given a beautiful blue pot hydrangea which I planted in the garden when it finished flowering .
15 In the following year they were given a new jurisdiction concerning redundancy payments , and concerning statutory rights to information about particulars of contracts of employment .
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