Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] be [vb pp] [that] this " in BNC.

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1 In early ethnic models of settlement origin it was assumed that this was a Celtic pattern of settlement , but could it be that this pattern in fact represents the oldest arrangements in the landscape ?
2 A person 's membership of the committee is automatically terminated : ( i ) if he becomes bankrupt ( his trustee replaces him ) or he compounds with his creditors ; ( ii ) if he is not present or represented at three consecutive meetings ( unless at the third meeting it is resolved that this rule will not apply ) ; and ( iii ) if he ceases to be or is found never to have been a creditor ( r 6.158 ) .
3 Among other things it is hoped that this will eliminate some of the problems which Noah clearly believes led to their defeat by Switzerland — although his own choice of an outdoor clay court for the match against Jakob Hlasek and Marc Rosset , did not help either .
4 Before this game we were told that this was the poorest Irish team in memory , that Irish rugby was in the doldrums and that the swashbuckling French were about to turn on the after-burners and skyrocket into the stratosphere .
5 If the house was formerly in the sole name of the husband it would be quite appropriate for the wife 's solicitors to insist on a full abstract of title commencing with a good root of title ( although in practice it seems to be accepted that the title was properly investigated at the time of the husband 's purchase ) ; but in the case of a house already in joint names it is thought that this could be dispensed with , the wife 's solicitor assuming that a proper investigation of title to the property was made at the time when the house was purchased by the husband and the wife .
6 3 Support The right of support and protection for the benefit of the Premises as is now enjoyed from all other parts of the Centre It is suggested that this right strengthens the landlord 's covenant for quiet enjoyment , and the only question is as to whether to extend it to include 'shelter " , but this is probably unnecessary .
7 In the end it was accepted that this happened , but the only explanation offered was that the blasting in the nearby quarry for lime was to blame for the movement which suggested settlement .
8 ‘ Mare ’ is Latin for sea , because when this appendage was given in the seventeenth century it was believed that this is what they were .
9 After some discussion it was realised that this was a what/how problem , ie the analysis had revealed what information was needed , but not how it appeared in practice ( see also page 188 ) .
10 For a long time it was thought that this Gospel was written by Matthew the Apostle .
11 At one time it was thought that this was because the dunnock was a recent cuckoo host , but Chaucer 's reference in The Parlement of Foules makes it clear that the dunnock was a popular cuckoo host as long ago as the 14th century .
12 5.3 Electricity gas and other services consumed To pay to the suppliers and to indemnify the Landlord against all charges for electricity gas and other services consumed or used at or in relation to the Premises ( including meter rents ) In a footnote to the precedent it is stated that this clause is possibly superfluous in the case of a separate building as the tenant would make arrangements for a separate supply to be provided to the premises , but there is no objection to its inclusion .
13 ( 6 ) In August 1983 the third defendant claimed from C.M.C. a commission of £16,000 for himself and £8,000 for Highdene in respect of certain commercial arrangements , not involving the bakery , negotiated between C.M.C. and B.M.T. It is said that this claim led the other directors of C.M.C. to investigate the third defendant 's activities and to dismiss him as a director of C.M.C. ( 7 ) Between May and July 1983 the third defendant caused the first plaintiff to sign in blank some cheques drawn on C.M.C. 's bank account by fraudulently representing that these cheques would be used to pay small and urgent bills of C.M.C. It is said that in fact the third defendant used six of these cheques to pay to himself and certain other parties sums amounting to about £30,000 , allegedly in connection with the financing of the centre .
14 As cimetidine has been shown to enhance natural killer cell cytoxicity it is postulated that this may be a mechanism partly responsible for the inhibition of basal xenograft growth achieved in this study .
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