Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] have been [verb] this " in BNC.

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1 For four years I had been planning this journey , and the thought of exploring Aussa and discovering what happened to the Awash had seldom been out of my mind .
2 ‘ In the seven years I 've been doing this , there 's never been anything like it .
3 For the last five years I 've been doing this series , for the last 12 months sharing it with Ed Douglas , and in all that time there 's been the rain .
4 For some days he had been mulling this over , trying to come up with something more interesting than Wyvis Hall .
5 ‘ Similar offences in the past have received a fortnight 's suspension , but because of the player 's disciplinary record he has been given this long ban , ’ said the committee chairman David Johnson .
6 So please make those contacts , so that you can erm , make arrangements to discuss , obviously things of mutual concern , promptly please , to your seminars , when we will continue some of the discussions we 've been having this morning , and thank you all very much indeed .
7 ‘ And how , ’ demanded Hugh over his midday table , ‘ are we to take this chapter of wonders you 've been unfolding this morning ?
8 One of the things we 've been doing this year is to actually have a club once a week , a sort of club night , when teachers can come it — this is particularly primary teachers — and use our machinery , look at our programs , go through our library and meet each other , so that the people who have got some expertise can then go back to the school and sort of spread their information and their enthusiasm in their schools .
9 He praised the performance of 18-year-old Grant Watts , scorer of Palace 's first goal in a shock 2-1 win , and said : ‘ It was a night to enjoy after all the trouble we 've been having this season .
10 All my short life I had been told this , and I had no answer to it .
11 One of the foremost exponents of Hawaiian slack key guitar was the superb musician and singer Gabby Pahinui , and Gabby is the reason we 've been given this rare and welcome opportunity to speak to Ry Cooder .
12 Erm and people had been paying insurance i it changed then cos some of the farmers could go on their pension they 'd been paying this new scheme you see .
13 From the letters we have been receiving this year it appears that the Jehovah 's Witness from Greece Andreas Christodoulou has been passing some of the cards on to his colleagues who are also imprisoned Jehovah 's witnesses , who want to correspond with people in the U.K. Fortunately we have someone in the office who has been able to translate their letters .
14 Many of you will recall the ovation given to Honegger 's King David at the ‘ 87 festival — from which time we have been planning this epic performance to feature , once again , Brighton Festival Chorus .
15 It was not the first time they had been told this .
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