Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I thought he had seen the enemy aircraft and , as he winged over into a steep dive I followed him without question .
2 And I went down , I went somewhere else there was a few places I saw them so erm I said to , I said to Robert now you know those shirts , that shirt I bought you for Christmas ?
3 For confirmation I visited him in prison , where in protest against his incarceration he had put himself in solitary confinement , and found him to be sandy-haired , bullet-headed and verbose , yet with a redeeming sense of humour ; his passionate denials of having played any part in the Ayr murder were too convincing to have been invented .
4 That 's the cardigan we bought you for Christmas
5 ‘ The crime they sent me to prison for ! ’
6 ‘ Perhaps you think the crime they sent you to prison for makes you unworthy of God 's mercy .
7 In support of this submission he referred me to Heaven v. Pender ( 1883 ) 11 Q.B.D. 503 and Le Lievre v. Gould [ 1893 ] 1 Q.B .
8 In the summer it was her sailing day , but in the winter she spent it at home , cooking lunch , reading the papers , and generally lazing around .
9 With Allen 's help she bathed it with wine from the last of the Friar 's bottles and then made a pad of cooling leaves and re-bandaged it .
10 I did n't dress it up ; no wonder she took it as life letting her down once more .
11 From a hundred feet he raked it from side to side and back again .
12 Bruce , 47 , said she happily accepted the £125 he paid her for furniture , china and jewellery .
13 Later that evening I joined them for dinner , sharing a few tins of Compo and three bottles of French cider .
14 I used one of your tapes you brought me for Christmas yesterday , very nice !
15 Makes it pretty it improves it 's just a mou , you know mouse mat you got them at school .
16 Before leaving the privy he disinfected it with pine fluid .
17 One friend of mine — I had n't seen him in a while , then one day I met him in school with my head covered , and he said : ‘ Yasmin , have you gone religious ? ’
18 The first night I took them to bed at quarter past seven .
19 Knowing my partner 's dislike of traverses I laced it with gear — but inserted that final , final nut before making the last heave to safety .
20 Start by playing these combinations with one note then apply some of the melodic permutations I gave you in part 1 of this series .
21 That 's what we remember on the first day we called her in chapel .
22 He looked white and tired , and the smile he gave her in greeting was strained .
23 When he went to open the door to Ballater 's knock he greeted him without enthusiasm , annoyed by the interruption .
24 After a few days ' dialling he knew it by heart .
25 Each morning I swaddled them in cotton wool and boxes of Band-Aids .
26 Spruce took down the names she gave him without comment .
27 It seemed a simple system when I got to know it , but wondered what it was all about , with chaps standing in different places and shouting and bawling where they wanted this waggon that was being pushed off , as he came running without the train they diverted it into siding , you see , sorting out a train .
28 When there was little more than half an inch left protruding from the frame he gripped it with thumb and forefinger and started to work it around .
29 Mr. Tarrant , the minister of the Unitarian church which the Thomas family now attended regularly , had encouraged Edward in his outdoor tastes with much kindness and persuaded the editor of a children 's paper to print his early holiday-task descriptions of country walks : But like all other grown-up people he inspired me with discomfort , strangeness , a desire to escape …
30 According to Pilkington , ‘ One child he examined had such a lacerated tongue he compared it to sago pudding . ’
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