Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 bluecollar gipsy I can see it in your eyes .
2 Chairman I shall leave it to others on this site to make the case if they wish er , against the recommendations .
3 Another problem with doing these talks is working out at what level I should pitch them for different age groups .
4 In an hour I will meet you in the scriptorium . ’
5 I said , " That 's very kind of you , Mavis , and of course I 'll pay you for the gin , but if you do n't mind I 'd rather be alone .
6 As it was , Thomas merely patted her hand and said , ‘ This is a very good idea of yours , Schätzchen , and of course I shall help you in any way I can . ’
7 In due course I will answer it for you , that and many other things that I know have quizzed you these past years . ’
8 for my money I 'd have it with all metal
9 If I had the address on a yellow card I could show it to someone and they 'd tell me .
10 I have just found your September 92 issue , and having spent most of the day with my nose between its covers I shall put it on order with my local Smiths on Monday .
11 And if Robin gets it in the neck I shall get it in the neck and I shall be getting it in the neck because of you !
12 ‘ Whatever you do , I will support you , ’ he wrote in 1927 , ‘ and if you want to have a talk I will meet you at Annecy at lunch any day you care to name … ’
13 I started it basically on my own initiative and I said that for six months I would use it on people that I was going to sentence just to maintain a one judge control over the project and see how it was going .
14 Mr Chairman erm I would like personally take up a suggestion that was in The Star about the possibility of a regional company being based at the playhouse in other words for a few months I would see it as people getting to know this company and rather like a repertory theatre of old then people would want to come and see these people in different roles and I think that would add to the you know repetitive .
15 " If you close your eyes you can see it in this room , the two of them standing there , rough kind of people .
16 Below are some guidelines you could give them for using video on their own .
17 as if you would have a polish day every Friday you could put it on Thursday night .
18 If you go by the side of the college you 'll see it from the
19 Do you set out the sum , er you must set out some calculation of how many you are likely to lose over the life of the aircraft , is there a percentage figure you could give us for that ?
20 They 've er they 've done fairly well there with Perhaps if it 's happen to be a time when I 'm busy Richard you might do it as vice chairman .
21 If the image represents a still photograph we can frame it by using an overhead projector as a light source , as if the image is a photographic transparency .
22 Try and keep them dry , and take the painkillers we 'll give you for the first few days .
23 AS Bill Wyman has made noises about quitting the Rolling Stones , Ron Wood threatens : ‘ If he 's not in the studio when we start on a new album we 'll replace him with a woman . ’
24 In another language where mother 's brothers and father 's brothers are referred to by different words we would see them as different kinds of relatives .
25 Since it will be a long time before the reflective process turns into action plans , we shall have to make do with what we already know and for the purposes of this chapter we can relate it to Level Three Partnership .
26 ‘ After the coronation they 'll take us to the palace for the night .
27 and then when it got over to the Clerks ' Department they used to stick it on another piece of paper so that they could put it on the file
28 He had n't admitted this for fear it would disqualify him from this part of the mission , and anyway he had thought he would feel safe behind the comforting protection of a pump-action .
29 I told Malpass he could find me at Stuart Street and , for a couple of streets , I did head that way .
30 He would pump away until he was exhausted , as though by sheer force he could inject her with fertile seed .
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