Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The difference being , that if it 's a saucepan then obviously a saucepan you lift it with one hand and if it 's full of hot water or something then you 'd have to be careful .
2 For a long time Roe has harboured a desire to do some commentating so when he had the chance at the European he took it with both hands .
3 His hotel room had three beds , and for a few days he shared it with two German boys , students , who had enormous rucksacks and bulky guidebooks , and who were eager for Tim to go round with them .
4 ‘ Court proceedings could be long and drawn out , and how do you prove when a player went in for a tackle he did it with intent to harm his opponent ?
5 When Isabella wins a military victory she celebrates it with eleven days of psalms and the sonorous severities of priests .
6 Brian had his cholesterol test on er little bit of paper they give you with all the information it tells you the only oils you should use are erm olive oil and saffro saffrall
7 Having twice swum in this tunnel I treat it with great respect and lots of fear .
8 Her husband had found this fishy , and perhaps for that reason it filled her with intense curiosity .
9 O'Shea , of Shepherd 's Bush , west London , who had been her boyfriend for several months , admitted to police he strangled her with electrical flex .
10 Gregory of Tours , in particular , provides evidence of unequalled richness ; on the one hand he provides us with some of the most compelling images of the power of the Merovingian Church , on the other he allows us to see behind those images , and to look at the nuts and bolts supporting them .
11 But I want to hear now the whole story of your life , and how you came to be with the boys I saw you with that day . ’
12 This incident has since been described , by the tabloid whose lurid prose I regaled you with earlier , as ‘ a pitiless and cynical coup de grâce ’ .
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