Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] which [pers pn] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Book now for your tickets for the show , where there will be a number of stands exhibiting new foods and wines as well as a variety of useful kitchen gadgets which you can buy .
2 Its relatively light weight ( 1.9kg/4lb ) makes drilling above shoulder height a lot less tiring than with the normal electropneumatic hammer drills which you may hire .
3 He was shown the location of the bathroom and toilets and the nurse discussed with him the extra hygiene measures which he would require to prepare him for surgery .
4 However , he has a lot of valuable information about the surrounding countryside , and the frontier crossings which I will ask him to give to us now . ’
5 ‘ It will be of particular interest to the library schools in central and eastern Europe , since it will open a window to the faculties , services and library culture of North America and western Europe , and will be available without taxing the limited foreign exchange resources which they may have . ’
6 Prisoners were to be made to perform productive work within the prison in a consistent and regular manner in order that they should acquire rational work habits which they would continue after release instead of returning to crime .
7 We could also see Amy playing , and we could count the money Mr Smith saved for both parents to spend on cleaning materials which we could watch them using !
8 If not , there are simple relaxation routines which you can follow for yourself and fit into your daily routine .
9 The former UK Prime Minister Edward Heath , conducting a humanitarian mission for which he was much criticized at home on the grounds of the possible propaganda opportunities which it might afford to the Iraqi leadership , secured the release of some 40 British nationals who arrived at Gatwick airport early on Oct. 24 ( two children , several women , and some of the men on the list of the elderly and sick which he had presented to Saddam Hussein at lengthy talks on Oct. 21 ) .
10 ‘ We are looking at the possibilities of using other Guinness commercials which we can edit or modify using local models , ’ says , the Guinness brand manager at PTGI .
11 The Army in their Heads of Proposals offered the King terms which he might have been expected to find much more acceptable .
12 The capitalisation of the company and the extent of its reinsurance arrangements are the basic ingredients which determine the level of business and underwriting commitments which it can undertake .
13 Brunner-Mond came to Billingham for the anhydride deposits which it could process into nitrates .
14 I RECENTLY found a wallet containing credit cards which I could have used in a dishonest way .
15 There are certain typical characteristics of the form of essay and dissertation titles which you can build on .
16 This is an extremely important result , both because of its policy implications which we shall consider later in this chapter and because of the scope it offers for testing the rational expectations hypothesis .
17 You can also buy really tough but heavy steel pegs which you can hammer into very hard ground with a rock .
18 While I understand that the Midlothian Area Social Work Office is in the process of preparing a response , there may be general policy issues which you would wish addressed .
19 The government has a number of possible policy instruments which it can use for this purpose .
20 Perhaps the latter is just a short wavelength approximation to a true wave mechanics which we can attempt to unscramble by analogy with the relation that geometrical optics bears to wave optics .
21 The Code has been recognised by the courts as establishing objective standards of fairness towards minority shareholders which they will take into account when exercising their own discretion under , for example , CA 1985 , s430C or s459 .
22 He had all these old catalogues from Soho sex shops which he 'd go through , things like She And Me , pointing out what he was going to do .
23 I had often rehearsed the choice phrases which I would use on this very occasion but the sight of the animal restrained me ; if he had come to consult me professionally I could hardly start pitching into him right away .
24 Microsoft has worked tirelessly to implement user-friendly Windows applications which you could come under the banner of ‘ enabling technology ’ .
25 They will simply be asked to spend about fifteen minutes a day using a combination of relaxation and visualization techniques which they will have been taught .
26 Yes some of them have love scenes which I will do if the script is right .
27 At one time it was only an affluent few who owned their own houses or capital assets which they could invest to increase their incomes .
28 One of the major purposes of its limited issue at this stage is to provide the centres involved with a list of the unit , course and centre numbers which they will require to use in competing student registration documents .
29 They are as agile as goats on their spindly legs , and can be seen grazing on cliff ledges which you would swear were inaccessible to anything without wings .
30 On 12th June 1977 , twenty-one months after the Maynard contracts were terminated , Ian Paisley announced publicly that he had information about additional irregularities in Northern Ireland Housing Executive contracts which he would reveal in due course .
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