Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [vb pp] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 Divided into two parts , the questionnaire asked for first reactions to both the general SVQs accredited in April , and the new Skillstart awards accredited at the same time .
2 There was a company of ATS girls billeted in the same street . ’
3 The problem with clause 17.1 is that it could prevent the parties from agreeing supplemental matters in side letters exchanged at the same time as the agreement .
4 These results are similar to those reported in maintenance trials of H 2 receptor antagonists analysed by the same method .
5 The original Knott Mill ironworks employed about the same number of men making engines and other types of machinery .
6 Craig and Wedderburn showed that while almost all industrial workers have to clock in , almost all managers do not have to do so ; while 90 per cent of workers had their pay reduced for lateness , none of the management employees suffered in the same way .
7 During this process gods worshipped in the same animal eventually fused together , while other retained a separate identity .
8 He rephotographed four living room ensembles advertised by the same commercial manufacturer in magazines and made the photographs he had taken into a set of four works .
9 Extra-judicial killings by the security forces increased over the same period .
10 When it was he proceeded to colour it , either from memory , or with colour notes made under the same conditions as the original drawing , paying attention most of all to tonal values and local colour .
11 Children who know the meaning of more or of both more and less are careful to distinguish them from each other and from nonsense words introduced in the same setting .
12 Research in HIV has yielded an extensive set of nucleotide sequences from a group of haemophiliac patients infected by the same batch of Factor VIII .
13 Elongation products were electrophoresed ( lines ‘ p ’ ) in parallel with sequence reactions obtained from the same universal ( left ) and reverse ( right ) primers .
14 So in the urban context we encounter two rental incomes generated from the same physical entity : the ground rent and the house or occupancy rent …
15 This was the scene — musicians and dance floor posers drawn from the same pool , sex as a slippery transaction — that produced Marc Almond and Soft Cell in Leeds , Boy George , and the early , sleazy Duran Duran in Birmingham .
16 ‘ Words spoken ’ can mean two things : ( i ) the words intended by the speaker , the ones a human listener would recognize , but also ( ii ) the many other perfectly good word hypotheses generated by the same acoustic input .
17 The 1991 total is nearly 60 times lower than the 3.1 million working days lost in the same region in 1979 .
18 Particularly encouraging to the E&P management has been a gain over the last year in net income to the equivalent of about $3.50 per barrel of oil produced , putting BP well ahead of the performance of most other oil majors judged by the same yardstick and only marginally behind Exxon , the largest US oil company .
19 If all the health authorities performed at the same rate as the top 25 per cent. , an additional 186,000 patients could be treated at no extra cost .
20 When they were weighed in June they averaged 23.9kg compared with the 20.5kg of Bleu du Maine crosses managed in the same way .
21 My answer again is practical and comes from a further eight 30 min lessons given to the same children a year later .
22 When late in 1972 Richard Leakey announced he had dug up the skull , thighbone , and parts of the lower leg of a human that were more than 2 ½ million years old , thus , if correct , disproving man 's direct descent from Australopithecus , many anthropologists seated in leather armchairs in universities not immediately adjacent to East Africa swiftly challenged Leakey 's conclusions , this despite the fact that they had not examined the bones in question , the strata in and near which they had been found , the animal bones found in the same strata , or indeed anything .
23 Against the wall were ranged , in regular array , a long row of elm boards cut into the same shape : looking , in the dim light , like high-shouldered ghosts with –heir hands in their breeches-pockets .
24 Industries will be banned from using high-sulphur content fuels , the use of government cars in winter will be cut by 30 per cent , and production at the city 's two electricity plants reduced by the same amount .
25 Most artefacts are either the product of mass production , in which case they are identical to all others items produced by the same process , or else are intended as equal copies of a normative cultural notion , in which case , for example , all spears of the same type are intended to look alike .
26 To complete the outfit , Alison had a pair of Victorian ankle boots made in the same material as her dress , and got a local milliner to make her a stunning hat .
27 These observations suggest that however attractive co-operative R&D ventures are relative to independent R&D projects conducted by the same set of firms , they are likely to be more attractive than the alternative of a merger designed to facilitate co-operative R&D .
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