Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [coord] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If the basis were significantly positive just prior to the delivery day , it would be possible to make substantial arbitrage profits by selling futures contracts and at the same time buying the underlying cash market goods in order to deliver them to the buyers of the contracts .
2 In the former case these can be referred back to the Census Offices and in the latter to the London Research Centre .
3 The sombre light , evoked through the use of half-tones , creates a brooding melancholy , binds together the complex figure groups and at the same time subdues the havoc surrounding the spotlit Nelson .
4 From the outset , Nigeria and Iran sought quota improvements and in the late 1980s there arose some aggrieved discussion of the UAE 's insistence on setting its own unilateral quota ( 1.5 million as against the 0.948 set by the Vienna conference in 1987 ) and vehement debate with both Iraq and Iran , neither of which was willing to accept a lower quota than the other 's .
5 Statutory authority for the supply of funds to meet expenditure is provided by means of annual Consolidated Funds Acts and by an annual Appropriation Act .
6 Their previous collaborations include work with prog-rock idol Steve Hillage on various Orb projects and with the offshoot-band System 7 .
7 Mr. Perry also referred to the legislation which governs council houses in Scotland but it is impossible to imply in the Act of 1985 express words which the legislature chose to insert in the Rent Acts and in the Scottish Act ( Housing ( Scotland ) Act 1987 ) but chose not to insert in the Act of 1985 .
8 You can customise your data entry forms and at the same time create the database .
9 The I-measure will of course increase with area and indeed linearly for uniform card subjects and for a given light intensity .
10 Comparing the two groups of patients with Zollinger-Ellison sydrome , there was no difference in gastrin and somatostatin cell densities or in the fasting serum gastrin concentration .
11 Attempts to delay stent clogging by prescribing long term antibiotics or by the mucolytic action of aspirin have met with little success , though recent studies suggest that silver impregnation of the stent and omitting side holes may be helpful .
12 Tickets on sale from the Festival Booking Office , College Gardens and at the Grand Opera House .
13 The Booking Office opens for Counter and Telephone Bookings on Tuesday 15 October at both the Festival Booking Office in College Gardens and at the Grand Opera House Booking Office in Glengall Street .
14 These estimates were discussed with local officials in a cross-section of 13 of the recipient countries and with the Soviet economic experts in 8 of them .
15 Earlier this year there were calls for a public inquiry into the Government 's use of statistics and constraints on research , from the social statistics section of the RSS , from the Association of Social Research Organisations and from the Social Research Association .
16 This did recommend involvement of the voluntary sector on joint liaison committees and for the first time give access for voluntary agencies to make direct application to health boards without having to seek prior sponsorship from the local authority .
17 The Yugo ( nee Zastava ) , built in Yugoslavia , managed to escape the Iron Curtain car jokes but at the same time escaped , completely , the attention of press and public .
18 First , the quality newspapers have been fragmented into sprawling modular structures composed of separate sealed-off sections and secondly , the development of older forms of bonding among staffers has been blocked by the collapse of apprenticeship structures and by the active fostering by management of a competitive ethos which flavours specialisation and the cultivation of narrow areas of expertise .
19 In 1992 , was awarded the Mark Jones Memorial Scholarship to assist with postgraduate studies and in the same year , was invited by conductor Elgar Howarth , to be soloist in the Trumpet Concerto by Michael Blake Watkins with the National Youth Orchestra of Wales .
20 A ceasefire agreement , signed by Croatia and the JNA on Oct. 8 , provided for the lifting of the respective blockades on Adriatic ports and of the Borongaj barracks in Zagreb .
21 The ‘ black-art of Kremlinology ’ was rejected ; the emphasis was to be not on the seating order of officials at Kremlin receptions but upon the careful analysis of policies and structures of power .
22 The memory of this episode had an impact on government — industry relations and on the future development of pricing policy .
23 Building on previous modelling work on land allocation for afforestation on upland farms and on the conservation value of farmland in Devon , the research aims to develop a computerised model of lowland farming situations to test out the likely impact of various economic incentives and technical possibilities for farm forestry .
24 Access to the Careers & Appointments Library which has comprehensive information on careers and postgraduate courses and on the great majority of graduate employers .
25 The Accounts have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards and under the historical cost accounting rules supplemented by revaluation of certain properties .
26 Imaginative and valuable benefit schemes — there can be many fringe benefits sometimes unavailable in private practice , e.g. pension schemes , company car , medical insurance , life cover , bonus schemes and in the financial sector , low rate loans and mortgage schemes .
27 I showed paintings in many south coast towns and in the early 19802 began to show in London , first at the Patrick Searle Gallery in Motcomb Street and then at the Mercury Gallery , my present dealers .
28 The flower stems are abundantly produced above evergreen foliage somewhat reminiscent of willow leaves and of a light green colour .
29 By northern analysis of poly(A) + F9 EC RNA , the DP-1 transcript was estimated as 2.8 kilobases ( kb ) ( data not shown ) ; it is expressed in many different cell types and in a wide range of tissues during murine embryogenesis ( J.F.P. , P. Tassios and N.B.L.T , manuscript in preparation ) .
30 He mentions dog 's tooth violets and despite an intensive search , I have been unable to find any .
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